Reboot Phase 2 updates

Hi everyone, in a similar fashion to what we did for the original MOD Audio reboot at Reboot updates we want to have a dedicated forum topic to give updates on this phase 2 of the reboot.

If you haven’t read the official announcement regarding phase 2, please check MOD Reboot - Phase Two

Please note that in order to keep things on topic, no user comments are allowed.
So you can use this thread as single source of info.

Whenever there is a bigger post, or something that requires feedback, we will create that topic separately but still link it from this one.

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In Easier publish flow to "beta in plugin store"? - #11 by falkTX I wrote on how we plan to make it easier for developers to give their plugins to users to try.

We have renamed the GitHub organization from “moddevices” to “mod-audio” (the “modaudio” name was already taken). On the last reboot we were in the middle of some updates and had a very tight schedule, so we did not want to risk breaking anything by doing an organization rename at such crucial time.
Since we got a 2nd chance, the official GitHub org link is now


For the target on opening-up the remaining software, here comes the first batch.

We start with the controller firmware.
For Duo, Duo X and Dwarf.


Another open-source tool, and now the full chain is open.

This is the tool that sits in between the controller/HMI and the Linux system, doing system commands and providing direct communication with mod-host for handling HMI Widgets.