Future of the Dwarf


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Given your user name I had hoped for a, uhm, less final answer… :wink:


This is not how computer software works, nor is it relevant for this topic :slight_smile:

Thank you for clarifying, and my apologies for bothering you.


Hmm point 2 has an interesting statement in it…is there something we’re missing here??

@micahvdm where is this from? it’s not in this forum, right?

From mod-ui project on github: [Refactor] Snapshot controllers by SrMouraSilva · Pull Request #141 · moddevices/mod-ui · GitHub


thanks, @dreamer!

everybody… before drawing dire conclusions from the partial quote, above, please go and read the entire post which @dreamer linked. context is important!


I feel like there are two separate issues here. The first is what’s going on with the company. Having worked at startups and in professional audio I can really empathize with this as it appears they are struggling financially. It’s really too bad because MOD has the rare advantage of a second revenue stream in the form of commissions of plug-in sales. In theory that would help fund ongoing development without having to charge for firmware updates. (For the record, I wouldn’t mind paying $100/year for a new feature release every quarter.)

The second issue is a public relations one, i.e. how to communicate during a hard time. I realize MOD has over-promised and under-delivered in the past e.g. with the expressional pedal. But going silent is arguably the worst thing you can do. It makes users think the company isn’t listening, doesn’t care, or is already out of business.

Obviously MOD may be in the middle of confidential discussions that they can’t share yet, or other announcements which aren’t finalized. The solution is simply to say so. Even if it’s just “Hey guys, we hear you, we’d like to get back to Dwarf development but we’re currently 100% on the desktop app.” They don’t have to promise a specific date or make any commitments, just share what they can and let us know the company is still going. I had asked @gianfranco privately a while ago to publish a blog post once a month for this reason, I hope he will reconsider and do so. Otherwise users will naturally start drifting away after a while, and that would be a shame.


Hi ladies and gentlemen

I know the silence is kiling some of you but I kindly ask for a bit more of patience, if you can find it.

NDAs are all over the place, so I cannot disclose details at the moment, but there is a very important partnership on the works for more than six months and, very honestly, the snail-pace is killing me too. Literally :frowning:

I hope to bring positive news here in the next weeks.

Regarding Dwarf updates, it is part of a broader discussion. There are no plans of discontinuing it, but the company needs to sort out a bigger issue before making promises. The “software for the Dwarf” is very broad, ranging from the firmware of the HW controller to the online plugins at the shop, and we need to draw some lines to better organize how we proceed on each of the fronts.

Much of the software is not exclusive to the Dwarf itself. As you can see with the MOD Desktop, the whole Web UI experience can be deployed in different ways. We are putting separations in place, as the development pace, expertise and governance is different for dedicated and shared software components.

The mention of FalkTX to a “final” release refers to being the last before we move into a new topology of software, one which can better acommodate the shared and the dedicated SW components accordingly.

There is a couple of improvements and fixes partially in place for release 14 and it will hopefully soon go out.

Sometimes I wish I had a meme that could explain it all :slight_smile:

Wish you all the best

Gianfranco, aka The MOD Father


NDA : Non Disclosure Agreement


Gian, stay healthy above all.

Yes, this is a very frustrating experience for all involved, but that’s all I’m going to say - stay healthy.


Gianfranco, thank you sincerely for the reply. I hope the partnership works out. Despite whatever criticisms or worries appear on these forums, please believe we all want MOD to succeed!


thanks a lot for this, @gianfranco !

good to know what’s up, even while we don’t know what’s up!! :heart:


Thank you and yes please take care boss! :beer::beer::beer:


Oh man it’s heartening to read @gianfranco 's post. I have my fingers crossed for everyone.

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I echo everyone’s support here… we want for nothing but success for @gianfranco and all the Mod team and platform! I’m hoping for really really excellent news that pushes Mod to the forefront of innovation in music tech!


Hi i am very curious about the announcement to be made by Mod Audio: any progress? It seems (again) very silent, Rob


Hello, the updates are here:


In my career (pharmaceutical development) I had the advice, “start with the patient and work backwards.” Mod’s “patient” is musicians. Has anyone actually got so deep into Mod Dwarf that they are constrained musically? Modelling, IR, CV, synths, sequencing, plenty of developers, wonderful routing options! Does anyone have a sound they can imagine they can’t produce? Then thinks about Mod as a business. What is needed is not another update. It is to sell more units to make them sustainable. Convince your musical buddies they can get any sound they can image on a Dwarf so they BUY ONE. That is what Mod needs.