Tuner Display

After finally understanding the Mod Dwarf and starting to really like it’s potential and it’s abilities. I did notice that in actual combat/gig term, the Tuner display is too small. As an older musician it’s hard to see what pitch is being displayed. A great feature would be to change the Tuner note display to a size to your liking…. Plus have different tuner displays for example Strobe, Polyphonic, For Guitarist, drop D tuning, etc etc. My main concern is the display size of the Tuner. Plus I want to take the mute off of button B, and put it to Button C, How do I do that? I couldn’t find where to access the Tuner to change the mute button?


Yes, I agree !
When you’re nearly in tune the tuner is nearly useless, because the gap is too small graphically but still huge to be tuned I think !
Strobe tuner make it easy to see and easy to be accurate because it’s not a graphical precision, but a motion that guides the tuning : less it moves more you’re reaching the “perfect” tuning.

If making a strobe tuner is too time-consuming a log scale would be a more precise choice :


Yes I agree the tuner function is not as accurate as it should be. A strobe or log scale would be better. Rom, let’s see what happens…. :crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4:


We just mapped it @BklynGeno and @Rom

This is currently not possible. The tuner is a system plugin and the parameters and not assignable.


Thanks !

It would be useful to change the pitch too ! I use a lot 442Hz (because winds love to shine)


Hello @jon excuse my ignorance but I take it that “we just mapped it” means it’s on a to-do list?


Yeah, typically when they get suggestions or requests; the team will log them and attempt to prioritize features on their internal development roadmap.


…or 432Hz! :wink:


@BklynGeno that’s exactly what @Elk_wrath said (thanks for the help @Elk_wrath :slight_smile: ).
Requests are mapped in one list and then they are evaluated in order to set the roadmap.
On this evaluation we check things like: how many people is asking for X thing, how easy it is to implement, if it fits in the propose of the device, if it can be solved by something that was already in works, etc.


In that case let me join the chorus of people who want an improved tuner. Me personally, I don’t actually mind the current look (although I understand the appeal of a strobe tuner), I just wish it had more increments to let one know how close to the note one is—it seems like a bit of a blunt instrument and when it says I’m on the note I wonder if I’m still a few cents off.


It’s exactly that way that it works :slight_smile: And I joined you on the “Chorus” :wink:


I like my Korg PolyTune too much to take it off my board.

I enjoyed your way of saying winds are not quite in tune…


TC, correct. Not sure why I typed Korg, but it is sitting next to my Korg electric piano.


I agree that we could make the increments finer and have a larger character for the note. I’m joining the choir :sweat_smile:


There may be a limit to what can be done with the Mod GUI, but I have really found it helpful in the past with tuners that show the pitch over time instead of an instantaneous view of pitch. Something like:


It would be fantastic if something like that on top of a larger instant view was possible in this update :slight_smile:


Not a bad idea, I also quite like the 2 modes on the Ableton tuner. One of their modes also shows the pitch over time


I support this wish, especially if you sometimes play with brass or string ensemble, this is vital and currently only realisable with external tuners.
Some people also like to play a semitone lower (e.g. me with an ageing voice), so a lower fundamental frequency would be very desirable.


Let’s hope that the tuner fixes makes the next upgrade! I like that the Mod Dwarf is small, but if your going to use it as more a foot pedal, then the Mod Dwarf should be bigger so that you don’t have to bend to adjust like it’s a table top unit. Or something to that effect. For example the Neural Quad Cortex is a unit that has a small blueprint. I believe a updated Mod Dwarf could be some where in size between the current Dwarf and the Q. Cortex. And still keep the web based GUI!!


We thought since you guys have some ideas about the tuner, we should just share with you an image of the current design so you can edit it to demonstrate how you think it could be

Just a note from Jan, there is a delay between incoming signals and updating the display which can make it hard to have a really fine resolution on the tuner. Just keep that in mind

The image is the actual resolution of the display (128x64) and is a bitmap so just edit it by placing only black (on) or white (off) pixels in your prefered image editor


If you want to try a browser based editor you can import it into