Single footswitch press change to next snapshot

Hi guys,

first; let me check if I understand this right:
A snapshot is a STATE of a pedalboard and snapshots exist within one pedalboard.
Example: snapshot 1 has a tubescreamer and a reverb turned on, snapshot 2 has the gainof the amp on a lower level, etc…

Assuming the above is correct;
Is there a way on my Dwarf to go back and forth in snapshots with one footpedal press?
I want to switch “songs” on my singer+acoustic board in live situations, which will need to feature different vocal and guitar settings.

If that isn’t possible, is it possible to cycle through pedalsboards with a single ppush of a footswitch?


I assume you mean without being in Navigation Mode.
If so, you have 2 possibilities :


I think your understanding is correct. As of 1.12.x when you press footswitches B+C together, you should see a list of snapshots for the current pedalboard, and then you can use B or C to navigate them. Not “1 press”, but not too egregious, either.


that’s the “1 press” option, assuming your snapshots are adjacent to each other.


Ok, If I understand correctly, the assign all puts the snapshots in a list under an endless button (but not a footswitch)

Would adding a little midi device remedy the lack of “next” and “previous” snapshot footswitch function? I would consider one, only when I’m know for sure I can still add my usb keyboard on the midi usb port as well.

If so, what would you recommend or who can build me such a device? :slight_smile:
I saw the “Chocolate” thing pass by a few times; I presume that is an option? something simple with only 2 footswitches would do the trick as well though (and save room in my pedal case)

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You can also assign a footswich.

That’s actually what Navigation Mode does :

I own the Chocolate MIDI Controller. It’s connected to a USB hub with my MIDI keyboard. I haven’t tried it for snapshot navigation yet but there shouldn’t be a problem. It’s a cheap device that does the job but it has a flaw that one shouldn’t ignore before buying it : the lack of visual feedback in some configuarions. More info in this thread :


Eventually, your questions made we want to test the Chocolate for this purpose. I was using it to control the LP3 but I miss visual feedback in this configuration (advanced custom mode). There is a mode that sends PC messages and it works flawlessly to navigate through the snapshots. The icing on the cake is that there is a visual feedback in this mode (a number from 1 to 8 for the bank and a letter from A to D.for the 4 footswitches).


You might also be interested in this thread where they are attempting to achieve alternating between two pedalboard states with a single switch: Using MULTI BUTTON TO CV plugin to change snapshot

It’s a little complicated and not the same as using snapshots, but it does come close to what you’re after and is reminiscent of how Scenes work in the Headrush realm.


I also wanted this functionality of 1 press snapshot changes and I achieved it with a MOD footswitch + mindis. You can use any midi device like the Chocolate one, you don’t need a MOD footswitch necessarily (I just wanted to use it because of the Control Chain connection).
I wrote about my troubles trying to configure everything here
and the pedalboard linked in that thread has post-it notes with a bit of info on how to configure the dwarf and the mindis.
My current setup uses all 4 buttons of the footswitch, each assigned to a snapshot - 1. clean 2. overdrive 3. rhythm 4. solo (guitar setup).


You don’t need mindi to assign a MIDI controller’s footswitches to snapshots if it can send PC messages. It’s actually very simple :