It would be great If I could have Midi and Device (and/or CV) controls for the same function.
Perhaps an option for hierarchy. for instance if I have Midi controlling something but live I want to really jack it [function] up, then Device takes over. When I am done changing it, it returns to Midi.
Maybe another option in the hierarchy to continue to override Midi after Device takes over, etc.
Definitely agree on this one. There can be definite advantages here where people might want a single function to appear on multiple screens or input devices. This especially comes up in looping where you may want an undo, erase or stop function accessible no matter what page you are on.
This would be definitely be a convenient feature. It has already been requested and according to @jon (1st thread below), it should be implemented someday.
You are correct @funkypou.
This is a pain that we acknowledge and want to solve. We just still donāt know when. (But as you can see much is moving forward on the software )