MOD Reboot - Phase 2

Congratulations, first of all, thanks for following through on your promises, Iโ€™m really looking forward to playing around with the mod dwarf :slight_smile: Secondly I was one of the people calling for you to open up more of the OS/boot code, so thank you! I just hope I can find time to play around with this all now :slight_smile:


Hi Gianfranco, good news and thanks for all the efforts put into this wonderful project. Keeping alive an open source project without external/additional funding is a real challenge as I can tell from experience. But this seems to be a sustainable move for the future of MOD.

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Really wonderful news that the Mod will have a sustainable future. What you have done is create the greatest guitar pedal ever with extraordinary richness and customizability. Thank you so much.


Itโ€™s already possibile :wink:


Iโ€™m glad to hear that everything is going well.It has to be said that ideals do require underlying business logic to support them.
Mod Audio can have its own spirit and ideological values, but to think from a realistic perspective, it must also commercialize from other angles to get value, in order to have the cost to maintain its spirit.

I bought a Dwarf from a friend and it still works very well.