Nice idea. This should be saved into the current snapshot…by loading the current snapshot morph parameter x from whatever current value is to y in z amount of time.
Note this morphing would be executed on loading, so coming from another snapshot this would require some tweaking time. I could imagine it could get a bit weird if you use extreme settings.
I think instantly about acceleration and deceleration times on a rotary as an example.
But morphing delay time, tremolo, modulation effects and reverb might be interresting enogh, who knows.
You mean to set parameters as “safe” that cannot be overwritten while loading?
The “about to load” preset should then ignore the current setting.
This looks as a workaround for this specific scenario while my proposal is kinda “general purpose”.
The idea is simple: when I press this switch apply all the wanted settings.
ah, ok… understood. Sorry for that but I am not comfortable with pressing multiple footswitches. I hate that feature to be honest, because I always somehow make it wrong. This is why I don’t even use a single fottswitch on the Dwarf any more. I only use midi for these “double foot-switch-pressing” functions.
@falkTX@brummer I see just a little issue… If I have files from _000.wav to _018.wav and I delete the first file _000.wav, when I record a new file I expect to get a new mod_session019.wav while it creates a new file starting from _000.wav instead.
This reduces usability since we loose the possibility to instantly spot the last recorded file. I think empty spots should be reused only if there’s a mod_session999.wav file (or at least give the possibility to choose the behavior).
Not sure but as I see since I’m here, it’s more easy to follow if there is only one single request per thread. But I did exactly like you when I got my Dwarf !