Very Low CPU Yet Very Accurate NAM Models

Zibane 7TS Valve Bawler - Hot Mode (modded)

Drive 0
Tone 9.5
Level 8
Hot mode

7ts_valve_bawler_mod-dr00to09lv08hot-48khz-nl2hs8.nam (18.7 KB)


Ty-Ranny Dumb Hunny (Boost mode)

Boost On
Gain 10
Tone 9
Level 5

dumb_hunny-g10t09lv05bo1-48khz-lstm-nl2hs8.nam (18.7 KB)


Thanks @modep

Are you planning to load them on tonehunt?

You are welcome! No, I only plan on posting them here and on my web server.

Mart Carlton CD Diver

REG mode
Drive 8
Tone 8
Level 4

cd_diver-dr08to08lv04reg-48khz-lstm-nl2hs8.nam (18.7 KB)


Box Vaxurator

More OFF
Gain 10
Tone 6
Volume 10

vaxurator-ga10to06vo10more0-48khz-lstm-nl2hs8.nam (18.7 KB)

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Zibane 058 Buzz Mini

Sustain 10
Tone 5
Level 5

058_buzz_mini-sus10to05lv05-48khz-lstm-nl2hs8.nam (18.7 KB)


Zibane 7SM Smash Rox (BB OpAmp Mod)

Drive 7
Lo 5
Hi 2
Level 8

smash_rox-dr07lo05hi02lv08sharp-48khz-lstm-nl2hs8.nam (18.7 KB)

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Anyone using them?

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I tried them yesterday night, honestly I like’em all!
Thanks for sharing!


Nice to hear! I wonder if anyone have used them on the MOD devices and can report how much cpu they use.

On my Dwarf, in the simpliest pedalboard possible (just the NAM plugin), I got the following readings:

At 128 frames: about 39%
At 128 frames - buffered: about 13%
At 256 frames: about 37%
At 256 frames - buffered: about 10%


Thank you very much for those numbers! That should make it possible to use both a pedal and an amplifier NAMs on the dwarf.

How many samples of latency does the buffered mode add?

Kendall RD20H, Overdrive Channel
Preamp section (tube V1 7025)

Boost OFF
Gain 10
Volume 10
Bass 3
Middle 2
Treble 8

rd20h-od-boo0ga10vo10ba3mi2tr8-preamp-48khz-lstm-nl2hs8.nam (18.6 KB)

If you like to boost with an overdrive pedal I recommend the Mart Carlton CD Diver model but pull down the input gain on that model.

Abotte, can I ask you for a favour? What are the numbers for a NANO model on your Dwarf?

I tried different ones, and I have:

At 128 frames: about 72%
At 128 frames - buffered: about 18%
At 256 frames: about 62%
At 256 frames - buffered: about 12%

That is some serious CPU reduction! Thank you! Any way for you to see how much latency it adds?

I’m sorry, I don’t know what exactly the Buffered switch of Nam plugin does, and I’m not smart enough to understand it by looking at the code :sweat_smile:

Thanks, modep! I tried them all, and I think they are very good. My favourites are the Valve Bawler, Buzz Mini and CD Diver. The others are too high gain or too coarse for my taste. I would love lower gain versions to make them more versatile and usable for me.

CPU is quite low. With only the NAM on a board, they are about 9% at 128 frames and buffered.

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Varsågod min herre! As long as the frequency spectrum doesn’t have narrow dips LSTM can handle it really well and at very low CPU. For full rigs I currently use WaveNet which is a lot more CPU hungry but handles aggressive EQ more faithfully.

I might at some point make some lower gain versions of those pedals but don’t hold your breath for too long. Right now I am experimenting with WaveNet.