Ratatouille - a Neural Model loader and mixer for Mod Desktop

Hi again, Brummer,

I just came across a little problem: Ratatouille (V 0.4) does not “see” the .wav IR cabinet files placed in the Speaker Cabinets IR folder in the user files area (Documents). It does see the .nam files placed in the NAM Models folder though. Another simulator plugin, Cabinet Loader MOD, sees the IR files in the Speaker Cabinets IR folder. Any idea why?

Thanks in advance for you help.


Hi Christiano

Yes, you need to replace line 54 and 60 in Ratatouille.ttl
mod:fileTypes "wav, audio" ;
mod:fileTypes "ir, cabsim" ;

it may as well work to modify it like this
mod:fileTypes "wav, audio, ir, cabsim" ;

in case you use Ratatouille in other apps as well, but I didn’t know right now if then there will be more audio files in the list for the MOD plug.


wav is not a mod filetype that can be used here. there is no need to guess, the types are listed in the mod-lv2-extensions documentation mod-lv2-extensions/mod.lv2/mod.ttl at main · moddevices/mod-lv2-extensions · GitHub which gets auto-generated on mod-sdk/mod#fileTypes

there is wiki page for this but currently outdated File handling - MOD Wiki

Hi Brummer,

I made the changes you sent (just tried the first option) and it does work. I was expecting Ratatouille to look into the Speaker Cabinets IR folder for the .wav file (same as the Cabinet Loader MOD plugin does), but it looks into the Reverb IRs folder instead. This seems a bit odd to me, since these are cabinet IR files, not reverb IR files. The way it is now we have different plugins looking for the same files in different folders. Can (should?) this be changed?


Hi, Falk TX,

Thanks for your intervention. I will read the documentation you recommend.
But I have to mention that wav files are actually being used as IR’s by several plugins and they seem to work.


Ah, I just checked the docs and it says:

The file types that a path parameter supports, written as a comma-separated string without whitespace.

so, removing the white-spaces from the list should do the trick. Maybe, putting the cabsim before the ir parameter.

Yes, that did it!
I switched the sequence of the file types and suppressed the spaces and now it looks for the files in the right folder. In fact, it looks in both the cabinets and reverb IR’s folders, which seems ok to me.

Thank you so much for your help.


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Hello there !
I love Ratatouille plugin and its working great for me!
Any chance this can be deployed to MOD DWARF environment ?
NAM simulator in Dwarf uses way too much dsp, maybe this one will be able to use full NAM models ?

It may be possible to deploy it to the DWARF, but, there is no secret weapon used in the code, so, it use the same amount dsp as the MOD NAM plugin, so full NAM models will still be to heavy for the DWARF. However, using some of the Very Low CPU Yet Very Accurate NAM Models should work.

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Thanks! I will try them for sure !

I’ve implemented parallel processing in Ratatouille now, so that the second loaded model wont increase the dsp load. That may be the first step to make it suitable for running on a MOD DWARF. But still with nano or aidax models.


Hey! I just discovered this plugin (and the companion GUI). I was able to build it and use it on my rbPi 4 running Modep (and it’s great !) but I failed at my attempts to build it for the Dwarf. Does anyone have a few tips to help?

I worked on out a MOD UI to reflect the latest changes in Ratatouille, like normalization for models and IR files and separate input controls for the models,
This is what it looks like now running in the MODApp:

To get it running on the Dwarf, you must build (and deploy) it with the mod-plugin-builder.
I’ll push that soon to the Ratatoille repository and implement a build file for use with the mod-plugin-builder.
As well some build targets to get it build for the PC (Linux or windows) with the MOD UI included.


First tests on the DWARF:


So I got full NAM models working on the DWARF. It introduce a additional latency of 8ms at the default 128 sample/frame setting. CPU load is very low as you could see.
EDIT2// NOPE, didn’t work :lying_face:


That’s awesome!

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You just keep pushing the boundaries. Spectacular and much appreciated, @brummer! :green_heart:

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Awesome plugin!
But I have found a problem. Choosing a file with long name will break the UI. It was solved in neural-amp-modeler-ui repository.

Another thing is the file browser itself, it definitely wants some work. Most problematic thing is plain list, each author names captures in different way, some are without device names. I believe all users would agree: we need folders tree and some search field in dropdown menu. Then we need arrows to switch between captures within a directory. Same thing applies to all other plugins dealing with hundreds of captures or IR files. Is that possible with mod-ui?

Hi @Dmitry_Sushkov

Do you referring to the desktop version?
If so, please open a issue on the issue tracker of the github project page:

Then, please give more information about the plug version you use, were you get it from and which distribution you use.

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Thank you. Submitted an issue there.
Going to report another issue, as the plugin does not save its state.