Release 1.13.3

ok cool, thanks for explaining!

I did a test build with multiplier set to 1, for Duo X:
@ignis32 @KuRi can you try this update please? install it manually like usual


@falkTX Absolutely perfect now. Thanks!!!


I’ve made some testing (for range above the note)

220.0 - 220.6 = [A3] ( 4.7 cents center bar size, upper half)
220.7 - 221.9 = [A3] B bar ends on 14.8 cents from 220
222.0 - 223.2 = [A3] BB bar ends on 24.6 cents from 220
223.3 - 224.4 = [A3] BBB bar ends on 34.2 cents from 220
224.5 - 225.7 = [A3] BBB B bar ends on 44.2 cents from 220
225.8 - 226.4 = [A3] BBB BB bar ends on 49.6 cents from 220

440.0 - 441.2 = [A4] (4.7 cents)
441.3 - 443.8 = [A4] B Bar ends on 14.88 cents from center (440)
443.9 - 446.3 = [A4] BB Bar ends on 24.6 cents from center (440)
… here I’ve got some job to do and interrupted the test, but progression looked the same so far.

Looks much more sane to me than it was.

As far as I understand ± 4.7 cents are considered to be “on target”, and each vertical bar except for the fifth are adding about +10 cents relative to center. Fifth bar is somehow shorter and is about 5.4 cents long (relative to center). Anyway it is total of ~50 cents range up from the note, which I believe how it worked before.

Would be able to test with a real guitar in about two hours, but seems to me like it should be much better.


Yep, that’s much better. Thank you a lot, @brummer @falkTX !


Ages ago somewhere on this forum I commented that I don’t use the built-in tuner as it doesn’t respond well to high notes - anything about C5 seems to not register consistently and my instrument (harp) goes from C2 to A6. Haven’t updated yet but will do today

The (new) tuner should cover a range from G0 to B5 (24 - 999 Hz)

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Oh, that’s cool! Any plans to extend it to cover higher pitches? I know a lot of people use the Dwarf with guitars, but not everyone - and a shame to have to use an additional tuner as otherwise it works so well!

Will try with new update tho’ as don’t have newest version on my Dwarf

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What’s the degree of accuracy? I don’t use it either. I use a Sonic Research Turbo Tuner ST-300 (+/- .02 cents).

I have CIP and OCTD.

Chronic Intonation Paranoia. Obsessive Compulsive Tuning Disorder.


Wonder how is it possible to tune with precision like that, even with ideal frets. String naturally changes it’s frequency through time, being higher when strummed and going lower and lower while note sounds. I mean, it seems to me like we are dealing with a range here rather than a single value for the string frequency. This range can reach two digits of cents of width (depending on a string thickness and a fret I guess), how do you choose some specific point in that range to apply that 0.02 cents precision?

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You’re exactly right. It’s because I don’t trust my own ears, and all the factors you mention mean that ultimately it’s a meaningless distinction. I can get my guitar (it’s an equal tempered instrument anyway) in tune - more or less to my satisfaction - and then when I get together with even one other person that all goes out the window.

I often get “out in the weeds”. The ultimate goal here is to create and enjoy music.

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AFAIK tuners have a window size over which the pitch is calculated. I think it has to do with the number of samples which are then averaged to produce the result and makes the pitch detection less jumpy and easier to read smoothing the true string frequency response. I could misunderstood the explanation, but the accuracy is that of the averaged samples.

I also use the same Turbo Tuner, splitting the signal before going into Dwarf to have a live intonation check for fretless. I didn’t compare the two yet, because I see them as different tools: Dwarf tuner for tuning the open strings and Turbo Tuner (strobo) for checking the intonation mid-playing.

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Hello Mr FalkTX,

I have a ModDuoX serial number: MOD Duo X MDX-LE-042

I would love to continue to receive automatic updates please.

Thank you.

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The tuner have a accuracy of 0.01 cent. On the DWARF the remaining cents been shown as value.
The bar indicators on the DWARF, that are now 3, have from top to bottom the accuracy of 0.1 cent, 1 cent and 10 cent. The top bar is reduced to a thin line in order to makes it less confusing when tune the guitar, but helpful when you do the intonation.


Hi FalkTX, can you please send automatic updates to my MOD DUO X?

Serial No is MDX-20210305-3-03-002-0190



Duo X have automatic updates still, only Duo does not