Ranked by CPU usage

I did think about throwing in some midi in there indeed :slight_smile: I will have a look at that.


Yes, indeed, when you turn the second one on, the first one is still engaged.
But I think I can live with that. The main thing, really, is to never have more than one running.
Again, the real aim here is to prevent a CPU overload.

A typical use case:
I am playing with distortion, that the main sound of the piece. Then I need some occasional whammy → I press the whammy switch.
When I don’t need the whammy, I press the whammy switch again, I am back to the distorsion, happy days.


I agree that your typical use case will eliminate the need of the double tap.

But considering the problem of wrong feedback that can lead to problems in a live situation and the overwhelmed pedalboard, I think the Switchbox solution (only 2 CV plugins) is more elegant in general. Remember : the 1st footswitch switches from one effect to the other, the 2nd one turns on/off the effect.

In your typical use case :
1st footswitch is on distortion, 2nd one is “on”.
If you need whammy, you press the 1st one, if you don’t need it anymore, you press it again.

It looks simpler than @RDNZL’s peadlboard for the same purpose. I’m afraid it would suffer the same footswitch feedback problem. But it’s definitely worth the try, especially if he wants to stick to his use mode.

By the way, I’m French too and I saw on your website that you played prog rock, which is cool.


Merci beaucoup !!! Ca fait également plaisir de voir des francophones ici ! :wink: