New plugin: dm-Stutter

This is another Stutter plugin. This one is very much inspired by Jonny Greenwood’s solo on Radiohead - Go To Sleep. But it’s also very suited for beat mangling.

Whenever the effect is turned on an audio snippet of random length will be repeated. When the effect is on and you switch the “trigger” toggle on or off a new snippet of audio will be repeated.

The “Note probability” section gives you control over the time intervals to be chosen for the repeated audio snippet lengths.

When “auto” is on the stutter effect is generated automatically. “Duration” controls for how long a certain snippet of audio can be repeated with probability. E.g. it’s more likely to have a longer duration of repeats when you turn it clockwise.
“Chance” controls the likeliness of the repeats or the dry input to be heard for the randomly generated duration explained above. At full clockwise you will always hear the stutter effect, at full counterclockwise you will only hear the dry signal input.

When “auto” is off the stutter effect will be activated by turning on the device and switching the “trigger” toggle.

The “sync” parameter is enabled by default. This makes the effect sync with the host’s BPM. When “sync” is turned off you control the duration for a quarter note with the “pulse” parameter. By setting a very quick pulse duration you can get more glitchy sound effects.
When “sync” is turned on the “pulse” knob functions as a tempo multiplier. You can quarter, half, double or quadruple the tempo. E.g. when “pulse” doubles the tempo a quarter note practically becomes an eight note. This enables you to change the range of available time intervals if needed.

This plugin is not yet in the BETA store. If you want to check it out, you can find a build here: Releases · davemollen/dm-Stutter · GitHub


Can I suggest that you upload your builds as part of release publication instead of committing them to git directly?
It’s quite bad practice to put such release binaries in git directly.

You can quite easily let your CI upload builds for you.

Will give this one a try later this week :slight_smile:


That’s a good suggestion. I have thought about that before, but didn’t know exactly how to approach that. I guess you don’t wanna depend on running the bootstrap script, because it can take more than an hour. Do you have an example of a mod CI pipeline maybe?

Cardinal does MOD builds as well: Cardinal/.github/workflows/build.yml at main · DISTRHO/Cardinal · GitHub

I see it uses a minimal argument for the bootstrap script.


Cool, thanks! I will give that a shot later

Alright, I’ve managed to make it part of my release pipeline. Just download the latest dwarf, duo and duox builds here. The downloaded zipfile include the plugin and some installation instructions.

Let me know if there are other suggestions.


Tested on mod duo X, works like a charm !


I updated the plugin. The Trigger parameter was changed to a momentary button instead of a toggle button. The GUI makes more sense to me this way. Hopefully you agree. :slight_smile:


I tried this - (and it works absolutely fine on the mod dwarf).

I was hoping it could do something like the sound of the guitar on Kiss by Prince. The story of how that sound was obtained is explained here (mapping the hi-hat of a linn drum to a noise gate).
How I Got The Sound on KISS by Prince. David “Z” Recording Engineer (

But the sound to me sounds like a stuttery delay. However I found it beyond my capabilities to get it anything like “Kiss” - is that because this is not what the effect is designed to produce, or is it just that I havent tried hard enough?

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Hi @steve. That’s a cool effect.

You’re right that this plugin wasn’t designed for that kind of thing. It’s more for the type of effect that I shared in the original first post. And it’s suited for beat mangling / beat breaks / glitchy beat repeats. And maybe for other unforeseen things too, but just not for the effect you’re looking for. You’re exactly right in that it’s just delays.

But it sounds like it might be reproducible on MOD using a combination of other effects. It sounds like you need a side-chained gate. Is that available? Otherwise you could try a Sequencer triggering a drum sound → Audio to CV plugin → Slew Rate Limiter → CV Attenuverter Booster. And then you can use that CV control to control a Gain plugin. That probably needs quite some tweaking. But it might work.


The “Noise Gate Advanced” by MOD has a side chain option I’ve been messing with to do gated reverbs/delay, where the effect triggers and holds when another signal hits a threshold. So that could maybe do the sound from Kiss— but (tangentially) what I’d like to figure out is a kind of reverse gate, where the effect cuts off when hit by a different audio signal over a certain threshold. I’m not sure how to achieve that, if you have any CV tips for me, they’d be greatly appreciated.

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@oeSmash Good to know there’s a side chainable noise gate!
You can probably use the same chain. So Side chain signal → Audio to CV plugin → Slew Rate Limiter → CV Attenuverter Booster and then have another signal chain with Input signal → Gain where gain is modulated with the CV source.

For ducking use negative values in the Attenuverter multiplier and set the CV modulation on the Gain plugin to Unipolar (-10 to 0). For a regular gate use positive values in the Attenuverter multiplier and set the CV modulation on the Gain plugin to Unipolar (0 to +10). Setting the Attenuverter mode to Logarithmic will most likely sound nicer too.

Please start a new topic if you’d like to discuss this further. Because this is not really related to this plugin. :slightly_smiling_face:


This plugin is now in the beta store

I love this plug-in. If there was one feature I would love to see, it would be a way to use this in parallel instead of in series. I usually have a clear dry signal, and then have various effects which are in parallel with it, that I can turn on. Those of course only send the full wet signal, the dry is still on it’s own channel. With this plug-in, the dry signal passes through when there isn’t a stutter - it could work in parallel with a dry signal if there was an option for ‘silence’ whenever it was not glitching - instead of a passthrough.

Just my two cents! I do love the plug-in and am using it in a few places already.