New plugin: dm-Stutter

The Chance knob controls the probability for a new auto trigger to activate a stutter yes or no. So it’s only for when Auto is turned on. Duration controls how long (also random) that stutter then repeats in Auto mode before the next trigger.

When all note lengths are set to zero it defaults to quarter notes. I haven’t really thought about it that long. Maybe it’s more intuitive if it defaults to no stutters at all. What do you think? Fyi: the note length probabilities are normalised, so that all note probabilities will sum to 100%.

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Hi Dave.

I think it would be more intuitive if there were no stutters when all note probabilities are set to zero.
When I first started using the plug-in, I incorrectly thought that each note length had a volume control. I didn’t understand them as individual note probabilities.

I always use auto mode, so far.

So I’m still unclear on how this works. If chance is set to 100%, and 8th notes is .5 and 16ths is .5, what is the result? There is a 100% something will happen, but only a 50% it will be an 8th note, and 50% it will be a 16th note? Could there be zero glitches with chance set to 100%? Or if neither the 8th, nor 16th trigger, does it always default to the quarter note even though that was set to zero?

Possibly in auto mode you only need the chance settings for each note length, and not the top level chance setting? Or I’m still misunderstanding how they relate to each other.

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I understand this can be a bit hard to grasp :sweat_smile:. So I’ll try to thoroughly explain how this Auto trigger mode works.

A random note length is always chosen based on the slider values. It holds for a randomly chosen Duration before the next trigger. Chance controls the probability of the stutter to be heard or not. For the note length selection; if you have 4th set to 50%, 8th to 50% and 16th to 100% and the other sliders to 0%. Then it effectively results in 4th set to 25%, 8th to 25% and 16th to 50%. So it’s normalized to sum to 100%. To me it helps to think of the sliders just as visual indicators. If one slider is higher than the other, it’s that much more likely that note length will be chosen. It’s relative, not absolute.

That’s why everything set to 0% is a bit of a special case. You can’t really normalize that. I’ll make it default to no stutters in that case. It makes more sense to me too!

To answer you’re specific questions for clarity. With Chance set to 100% and 8th and 16th to 50% a trigger should always occur. And the trigger will always be an 8th or 16th. In this case an equal chance. I hope that clears things up.


Hi Dave.

This totally clarifies it for me, and makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the detailed explanation.