New plugin: dm-SpaceEcho

Hi Dave…I had already done this but sorry….I still do not understand. I asume that the procedure you describe is on a Linux machine? I have tried using Putty on pc and was able to connect to the Mod Dwarf but when I ran the copy procedure,I got an error on with the -rp command.

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Since you’re on Windows, you could use a graphical tool to perform the data copy, such as WinSPC.


Is there a version for MOD desktop on windows?

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I’m sorry @kduck. No, I’m not planning on adding builds for Desktop. I don’t really know what’s needed for that. And I’d like to work on other things, like other plugins instead… If someone knows what’s required, please send me more details.

Who knows; when MOD reviews this for beta maybe they can see if it’s possible to get this to Desktop too.


Hello @DaveM! Not sure if this is the intended behaviour, but I am facing an issue. I had tried setting the tempo as described here:

It should be possible to do this already. Toggle the “Translate value to musical tempo” for “Time Left” and/or “Time Right”. Then time will be synced to the BPM.
Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 15.39.47.

Once I hit Save, the delay times update based on the division and the host tempo. However, if I change the host tempo, the delay times don’t seem to update automatically. I have to go to this menu again and hit Save again to make them follow the new host tempo.

Is there a way around this? I would love for the delay times to automatically sync with the host tempo as soon as it’s updated.


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The “translate to musical tempo” is a feature implemented on the mod side. I’m not sure if it’s intended this way. But I think it’s a reasonable desire to have it react to tempo changes either way.

I’ll add tempo sync support for the time parameters internally soon. It’s something I wanted to add to the vst and clap version of this plugin anyway. Thanks for pointing this out

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@KAOSS I have to get back on my previous reply. It actually works as expected on Mod devices. My Dwarf syncs perfectly to tempo, even when the tempo changes. So this seems to be an issue with modep only. Maybe you can report this as a bug with someone from modep.

I’m not totally sure now if I want to implement this internally. Because it’s pretty user friendly this way and already works flawlessly on mod. But I still might, because I need this for vst/clap anyway.

@DaveM Thanks for the update! I have another system where I had installed everything from the MOD GitHub repos directly on a Bullseye Lite installation, and I’ll check if I observe the same behaviour there. I’ll also look for other delay plugins which might allow similar tempo adjustment, and see if I face the same issue on those as well.

OK that’s interesting. @DaveM before I tried the aforementioned things, I thought I’d try this plugin in MODEP once again. It seems like if I manually type in or use the dial to change the BPM value, the plugin immediately follows it and changes the delay times accordingly.

I have been working on a custom MIDI controller. As I’d described in one of my previous posts, there’s no proper tap tempo behaviour if I assign the tempo to a button on my controller. So what I did was on my controller itself, I implemented a tap tempo algorithm on one of the buttons, and my controller scales the tempo value on CC 102 in range 0-127 accordingly. I have this CC assigned to the tempo parameter in the UI.

What’s interesting is that when I use my MIDI controller to assign a tempo, the UI updates the tempo immediately but the plugin doesn’t respond to the change at all. Not unless I go to the menu again. However setting a tempo value manually either typing it in or with the dial makes the plugin change the delay time immediately.

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I tested with both the systems – MODEP on Bookworm and MOD repo build on Bullseye – and the results are the same. I tested with a few different plugins, and here are my findings:

  1. The first category contains plugins which have the “Translate value to musical tempo" option to set delay times. Some examples are the Invada Delay Munge, MDA DubDelay, and of course your plugin, the dm-SpaceEcho. The behaviour was the same as described in my previous post on both the systems – delay times update if tempo is changed manually in the UI, but don’t update when changed by MIDI CC.

  2. The second category includes plugins which have an internal option to sync the delay times to the host tempo and you can select from various time divisions. Some examples are the Bollie Delay XT and the Calf Vintage Delay. These plugins respond immediately to all tempo changes, whether it be dialled in manually, or set via MIDI CC assignment.


Yes, I can confirm controlling tempo with MIDI CC doesn’t update the time parameter. While it does update when I assign the BPM to a knob on my MOD. This is weird and I think that’s a bug.

It looks like this bug was reported already some time ago, but it was discarded: Global tempo not translated to plugins when BPM mapped to an external MIDI knob - #7 by jon. Maybe we can breathe new life into it.


There was an issue with the TIME MODE set to FADE. That has been fixed now, it’s no longer clicky. This mode enables you to change the time parameters smoothly without pitch artifacts by the way. Download the latest version for that fix.


Thanks, for all the hard work! We appreciate you!


Thanks @VeggieSoup, much appreciated.

Hopefully they decide to do something about it. I’m looking forward to you adding internal support for tempo sync. That would definitely make it one of the best delays on the platform, at least for me. Bollie Delay XT does have a similar feature set, but I do prefer the sound of your plugin better for what I’m trying to do!

Am i the only one having errors with the dwarf version? |

Downloaded it on my windows machine, running the current version of firefox / Issue seems that windows receives an error trying to unzip the file. Saying that the file is invalid, it seems to be the case with all the dwarf versions of the plugins on your github @DaveM

@DupeSupreme I used a different zip implementation now. That should probably fix it. Could you try the latest release and confirm if that works please? Then I can apply the same fix to the other repositories.

Others probably used WinRAR or 7zip to unzip on windows or were on other operating systems.

dm-Spaceecho.lv2 successfully unzipped, its working now! :star_struck:

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Okay, great! The other plugins have new releases with this fix too.

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