MODWatcher Upload Failed Again

Hi all, the MODWatcher Upload fails (just tried a simple delay), and judging from the forum posts this may have something to do with the MOD Cloud not running?
Max 8.3.1 / Mac OS Monterey 12.2.1


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Yes, the cloud is down for now, which impacts the Max build package stuff

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any ideas when it’s back? Thanks, Hans

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not yet, but hopefully news will come soon(ish)


Thanks. Let’s hope. Building my own plugins was the reason I bought the Dwarf in the first place. Let’s see what the future brings.


I would say not to worry much. This is one of the safest things at the moment.
Regardless of what happens with the company, there will be a way for this to come back to life. It’s simply a matter of time. We can’t just yet know how much.


I’m in the same situation and my primary plan is to build my own tools for the Duo X. I got it about a week ago, ordered before the info about insolvency and recieved it right after. Now I’m just waiting for the Modwatcher cloud to be back online. Hopefully it won’t take long as I’d really need this feature to work and use the Duo X the way I had planned in the next weeks and months.




Same here… :wink:


What does the reboot not happening mean for uploading gen~ patches on the Mod, is it still just a matter of time or as uncertain as everything else seems to be at this point? Also, would it be possible to edit the Modwatcher Max patch to include everything necessary for getting the plugins to the hardware without the cloud? I think it would make sense to be able to upload patches without being connected to internet.


I would say that yes. the options are not totally all closed, but now it can take more time (and it’s hard to point out how much). Anyway, all these technical things one way or another should get back alive.

This I can’t answer you so well. I’m not aware of the technical need behind the process.


Thanks, hopefully the cloud is up and working soon. I still think that it might be more bulletproof if the Modwatcher patch included everything without any online procedures. Maybe some day, maybe not.


I indeed find NOT GOOD that a remote server is necessary to transfer a plugin from a local computer to a local MOD Device. anybody has an idea to work this around ?

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This is not how it works, you need to actually build the plugin from the c++ source files that Max/MSP generates.
That is what the MODWatcher service does, it actually builds the plugin for you.

ok thanks, but how is it possible that it has stopped working ? how to make it work again ?

If I’ve understood this correctly, the MODWatcher requires the cloud to be working because the plugin is compiled online and not on your computer. All the cloud stuff is down at the moment and the MODWatcher won’t work until they’re up again. This is why I was wondering earlier about the possibility to modify the MODWatcher patch to include the code for compiling.


so I understood correctly, thank you.
I have been searching for a simple way to develop and transfer plugins from PC/Windows but everything I found is way beyond my understanding. I’d be glad if somebody knows something like IDE/compiler with examples for windows.

I’m in the same boat as I don’t have any idea about coding other than audio stuff. The MODWatcher is the only possible method for me to get my own stuff running on my Duo X that I got less than a month ago. The cloud was put offline right after I compiled my first plugin and now the main purpose (a substitute for a computer running Max) for what I bought the device for is shut down.

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We can bond over that. :slight_smile:

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I had tried to manually build an lv2 plugin from gen~ exported code in the past (since I couldn’t install the MODWatcher extension since I’m on Linux).
After many trials I still couldn’t get it to work and instead worked on using Puredata for this purpose (sorry I’m not of any help).

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