MOD Reboot - Phase 2

Excellent news and congratulations! I wish you and MODDevices all the best in your new future! You have created something truly revolutionary and should all be very proud of what you’ve built.


This is fantastic news! One of the things that most impresses me is the resilience of the mod team in general, not to mention the extraordinary resilience, focus and determination of the MOD Father!

Gian - you da man!!

per google translator:

“O pai do MOD manda!”

(Like most Americans I only speak English and have enough trouble with that!)


Boom shakalaka :boom:


This is fantastic!

Do I understand right, this is also a “happy ending” for those MOD backers who were previously asked to increase their contributions? Or partially? It would make things very tidy. Sorry if this opens that uncomfortable topic, just hoping for clarity.

Regarding the new MOD path…
It would be nice if the new Linux PC host runs on a mini PC that can be controlled via an iOS or Android tablet (browser) or Bluetooth/Wi-Fi midi controller for compactness and reliability in performance.

This would make it possible to just build a mini PC with MOD into rigs for gigging musicians and control it via either Bluetooth/WiFi to midi pedal, audio software, remote tablets, etc without a bulky notebook or tower PC. Automation also.

IMO, separating physical control from the hardware and software makes things a lot more flexible. As much as I love my DWARF, I applaud this new direction! I’m looking forward to the first releases under the new model. Great concept,
Congratulations MOD Team!


Amazing product line - happy to see the company making moves to keep the lifeblood flowing. I played with some of my devices synced over midi earlier today and it was just a joy to see everything lighting up and playing in time - rock on mod crew!


@gianfranco: Congratulations to keeping MOD alive and even making progress in these difficult times! Perseverance is key, and you certainly have plenty of it. Looking forward to the next leg of this journey with you!


Congratulations, first of all, thanks for following through on your promises, I’m really looking forward to playing around with the mod dwarf :slight_smile: Secondly I was one of the people calling for you to open up more of the OS/boot code, so thank you! I just hope I can find time to play around with this all now :slight_smile:


Hi Gianfranco, good news and thanks for all the efforts put into this wonderful project. Keeping alive an open source project without external/additional funding is a real challenge as I can tell from experience. But this seems to be a sustainable move for the future of MOD.

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Really wonderful news that the Mod will have a sustainable future. What you have done is create the greatest guitar pedal ever with extraordinary richness and customizability. Thank you so much.


It’s already possibile :wink:


I’m glad to hear that everything is going well.It has to be said that ideals do require underlying business logic to support them.
Mod Audio can have its own spirit and ideological values, but to think from a realistic perspective, it must also commercialize from other angles to get value, in order to have the cost to maintain its spirit.

I bought a Dwarf from a friend and it still works very well.

In the news feed you will find more official information about the Phaze II:

Reboot Phase 2 updates

glad you get it sorted in a way that sets MOD up for a brighter future.

I hope you keep us updated on the process and we don’t have to wait months for a short update.


Hi everyone,
First of all congratulations for the successful reboot! I hope you finally arrived at more stable and less stressful times for the company!

Regarding the expression pedal I also think it’s a good idea to focus on more urgent topics. By now
I think basically everyone who ordered it moved to another solution if he really needed one.
Still, one thing that was brought up by @gianfranco in the “Expression Pedal” topic was the offer to give a plugin voucher to those who backed the Expression Pedal. Is this still something one could hope for?

I’m wondering what the changes will mean in terms of the co-op with AIDA.
(since the" AX on MOD Dwarf" is my main use case)

The workbook to create profiles in’t working and the implicit and explicit message around all of this kinda worry me.

I was planning on creating some more profiles and creating some YT content around it.
First I need to know how viable and sustainable that idea would be.


@Romain_P @LievenDV

We are in the mids of porting AIDA-X to the Chaos Audio Stratus Pedal. If you are interested to have peek.

So the project is well and we will keep supporting platforms.
It all just takes so much time we only can go in small steps.

I can’t speak for MOD but they were always very supportive.
So I think when @gianfranco and @falkTX have most of the parts sorted we update stuff concerning AIDA-X including training, links, guides etc.


That´s a tricky question Lieven :slight_smile:

AIDA-X is an independent effort from @madmaxwell and @spunktsch, so I cannot make any affirmation in regards to their objectives and vision.

What I can say is that we will continue to fully support both AIDA-X as NAM formats, just like we already do now. With the Desktop App, the trend is to have both AIDA as NAM more and more integrated into the platform.

Regarding the trainer, there is a decision to be made by the AIDA guys in regards to the training they want to officialy support, especially in relation to new partners, like Chaos Audio, so that we know where should the support for the trainer be coming from.

There is no “official” AIDA trainer, as far as I am aware, and the Colab trainer currently available was made as a “joint venture” between MOD Audio and AIDA.

The official AIDA website has no mention to a trainer, so there ain’t much I can say.

Maybe @spunktsch can clarify on that. Would be great to hear what are AIDA’s plans for the big picture.

I’ll ask one of our guys to look into the current trainer, in any case.


Regarding the expression pedal I also think it’s a good idea to focus on more urgent topics. By now
I think basically everyone who ordered it moved to another solution if he really needed one.
Still, one thing that was brought up by @gianfranco in the “Expression Pedal” topic was the offer to give a plugin voucher to those who backed the Expression Pedal. Is this still something one could hope for?

No answer is certainly an answer within itself, but some clear words would be appreciated, since you @gianfranco made the offer yourself. We expression pedal backers know very well that we don’t have any claim on a delivery in any way, but since there was this back and forth for so long, a final conclusion still would be nice.

The offer remains the same as I wrote in here: Expression pedal update - #571 by Inkwell

Please send contact me directly so that I can issue a discount related to your case.



What a journey it has been so far - and i guess it must have been bittersweet for the project and its scale not being up to the expectations, however i feel theres a lot of promise going forward and fully embracing the opensource structure.

Regardless of whether new dwarf units will be made or not, expanding into new territories can be interesting and a worthwhile endeavor to see in the future.

so regarding the hardware platform, will we see support for future revisions of the raspberry pi or a community effort in acquiring the correct shields?
What about getting the MOD platform and the CV / Midi bridging utilties to eurorack. Thinking like a breakout module that could send and receive CV, curious to know if that would be of interest or a focus for mod, now that cardinal is also a thing- not mentioning the amazing cv playground already present in the mod platform.

is there a way to easily implement this over the CC IO or USB?
