I downloaded and updated all the three Cardinal plugins in the Beta section and also made a daily check in the plug-in library. The same thing still happens. What else should I look for?
Did you find the “connect to remote” in the Cardinal app? Also if the patch is too large transferring the patch does not really work.
Yes, I did. Unfortunately the Cardinal app crashes shortly after I press “connect to remote”. So I couldn’t get any further…
Do you use as standalone or as a plugin? In case which daw? Is your DuoX up to date?
It crashes both as a standalone and as a plugin in Ableton live. My Duo X is up to date.
24.09 is not the latest Cardinal build. Try 24.12. I also had it crashing when I accidentally opened an older version.
I just started the download and try again. I have the DUO X connected to the computer. What should happen after pressing “connect to remote”? Sorry…these questions may seem bit silly but I’m not too much of a comp guy…
Unfortunately it keeps crashing. Thank you anyway for your help and patience. I will use DUOX without Cardinal, there are already lots of plugins to work with, right?
When you go back to “connect to remote” it now says “deploy to remote” then you press that. Make sure you are running Cardinal 24.12.
Yes, I just downloaded the latest Cardinal 24.12. The same annoying crashing thing.
I just quit. It’s already been stressful enough. It simply doesn’t work I don’t know how to fix that. Thanx🙏🏼
That`s beyond me then. Sure you are actually running the right version. I accidentally opened the former version, since the icon was linked to this. Had to find the right version in downloads or files. Maybe FalkTX can help you?
How about CardinalMini? Does that one work?
This is what happens when start building a pedalboard with CardinalMini…
…and I don’t know what to do next.
is this a minimum macOS version thing perhaps? Cardinal requires macOS 10.15, anything older won’t work.
but might be just a bug on cardinal side regarding the crashes, to be honest I didnt try to use the remote features on macOS yet.
for the mini version, try in a different browser. the mini version requires web assembly with webgl support, some browsers and/or addons might disable that intentionally.
I run macOS 11.7 and Google Chrome with webgl activated…and this is what I got when starting a pedalboard with CarfindalMini:
Well…then I must have bad luck with my DuoX. I updated all my plugins, I tried different web browsers and I simply don’t understand why the Cardinal interface still mising… I even tried to unistall and re-install it and I got the same result.
Maybe it does not matter, but are you sure you have the latest firmware update? It required a manual install. Does your DuoX work well with other plugins?