Mod Duo X Cardinal interface

Hi everybody! I own a Mod Duo X and tried to build a pedalboard using Cardinal. The graphics of the plug-in appear ok in the panel but the moment I drag the plug-in on the board the graphics disappear and a square with I/O connectors is all that remains. I just can’t use it in any way. Is it my Duo X or isn’t Cardinal compatible with Duo X? Thanx for any info.

Are you using the CardinalMini or the the “remote host” plugins CardinalFX and Cardinal?

It’s the same with any of them.

seems like a browser issue. I would check if deleting cache or using another browser fixes it

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I use a High Sierra MacBook Pro and I tried Safari, Chrome and Brave browsers. I even checked using same browsers on iPhone…it’s the same.

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Sure I can manage without using Cardinal…but I was just curious how Duo X works with it due to those sonic possibilities that Cardinal opens up.

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Any luck so far?

I have used it quite a bit. My impression is that It works perfectly in the sense that all the modules I tried worked. However setting up the Cardinal module to enable push buttons requires the use of the the CV-momentary plugin. The biggest limitation is the fact that the size of your patch will affect the CPU greatly and result in X-Runs and clicks etc. However this also depends greatly on the plugins in use.
But creativity thrives best within certain borders no?
I have enjoyed it a lot so far.

The same thing even after clearing cache.

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Sorry, thought you meant the Cardinal and CardinalFX plugins. Because “connect to remote function” using Cardinal standalone, Jack or Daw plugin seems to work fine.
I also noticed some problems with CardinalMini since the latest upgrade.

Can anyone give any advice on that? The Cardinal interface still msiing on Duo X and I have no clue how to make it work. I have Cardinal app installed and it works perfectly fine in Ableton with presets from patchstorage…but I don’t know how to use it with DUO X since there’s no interface. Thanx in advance,

Have a look in the Beta section!

I downloaded and updated all the three Cardinal plugins in the Beta section and also made a daily check in the plug-in library. The same thing still happens. What else should I look for?

Did you find the “connect to remote” in the Cardinal app? Also if the patch is too large transferring the patch does not really work.

Yes, I did. Unfortunately the Cardinal app crashes shortly after I press “connect to remote”. So I couldn’t get any further…

Do you use as standalone or as a plugin? In case which daw? Is your DuoX up to date?

It crashes both as a standalone and as a plugin in Ableton live. My Duo X is up to date.

24.09 is not the latest Cardinal build. Try 24.12. I also had it crashing when I accidentally opened an older version.

I just started the download and try again. I have the DUO X connected to the computer. What should happen after pressing “connect to remote”? Sorry…these questions may seem bit silly but I’m not too much of a comp guy…