MIDI connection Help

I have a Typa A midi cable connected to my Morningstar MC6. But pressing a button doesn’t register with the dwarf. I also have an FCB1010. That isn’t working either.

I know the boxes work because I use them with other apps.

Is there anyway to see if it’s actually connected?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?

Thanks in advance -

Have you tried using the MIDI display - MOD Audio plugin?

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And try with a USB cable ?

OK - some progress. Nothing shows up with the MC6. But with the FCB1010 it shows a connection and registers the different switches. It shows the channel as 0.

But nothing happens when I choose MIDI to turn a plug-in off and on.

So you send through the channel 0, but what message ?
You have to send a CC message with the value <63 to get a plugin OFF and >=64 to have a plugin ON

Hey ROM,

great information. I was under the assumption that you just plug it in and go.
I apologize for asking so many questions about this.
I set the Dwarf to be MIDI channel 2 (I already have something for channel 1).
Set the cc for 63 and it turns off. Set it to 64 and turns on. But I can’t get it turn off and on with one button.

Does there need to be one button for off and one for on?

What ? How do you do that ?
Anyhow, it should work just fine with channel 2 !

Hmmm… the midi value of a CC message is from 0 to 127, so if you send a value lower than 127/2 it turns of something, and vice-versa.
I run a MC6 too, did you use the search bar here ?



Thank you so much. Your tutorial is perfect. Now it’s working.
