Getting started with Midi (Morningstar MC6 MK1 & Dwarf)

Hey all,

Is anyone using the old version of the Morningstar MC6 MK1 with their Dwarf and can point me in the right direction, as to how I can get started sending/receiving Midi messages? I have looked all over the forum and the web, but can only seem to find super detailed and very specific questions and answers, but no basic instructions to guide me through the initial process.

I realize that there are hardly any (if any at all) users running both a Dwarf and an HX Stomp, but I would also be very interested in how to send/receive Midi messages between the two devices (e.g. changing a snapshot on the Stomp triggers Delay/Reverb on the pedalboard of my Dwarf).

In case there is a thread, I would be grateful if someone could share the link, as I really cannot seem to find it and feel lost.

I appreciate any help I can find, thank you all in advance! :guitar:

Hi @Thilo
There is not a lot to explain as it is really straight forward :

  • you prepare the 1st bank of your MC6 to send (for example) in Toggle mode ON
    • the message 1: the Action Press (on the A switch), Type CC (Control Change), Position 1, send the CC number 0 and value 127 in the MIDI channel 1
    • the message 2: the Action Press (on the A switch), Type CC (Control Change), Position 2, send the CC number 0 and value 0 in the MIDI channel 1
    • save preset
  • you plug your USB cable between your MC6 and Dwarf
  • in the Dwarf web interface you chose the parameter you want to change with this switch, and asssign it to midi, you will get this kind of message “listening to midi”
  • you press the MC6 footswitch A
  • in the Dwarf web interface you should see appear the message blablabl assigne to midi CC0 channel 1…

All good ?

If you want to connect send midi message to both your Line6 and Dwarf you simply connect both devices to the MC6, or you can connect the Helix mini in to your Dwarf’s midi out, and make the connection in the WebUI from the midi input to the midi output of the Dwarf so all midi get through the Dwarf without any change.


Hey @Rom

I tried the first step (MC6/Dwarf) and it helped, thanks so much! Will try the same with Stomp/Dwarf later.

I have Midi cables running from MC6 ->Stomp → Dwarf → back to MC6 but didn’t even think to connect the USB cable from MC6 to Dwarf. I’ll have a closer look at your last paragraph and may get back to you, in case my brain explodes :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your quick response and help!

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Awesome, it works, thanks again! I am sending Snapshot changes to my stomp and activating/deactivating pedals on my Dwarf with the push of a button. Thanks again for your help @Rom! :pray:t2:


Hi @Rom,

On your mc6, if the b and c buttons are mapped to turn on/off two different pedals, can you activate them simultaneously?

Like way you can’t on a dwarf without activating the preset list.

I’m not sure… by default pressing 2 switch at one is for changing preset or changing page, but I didn’t dig it.
I use a lot the switches like this :

  • single press : activate somthingA
  • longpress : activate somethingA + somethingB
    and then a single press deactivate something A and somethingB
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