LiveCut for ModDwarf

SSH means Secure Shell. It’s a secure protocol used for managing files on remote computers.

With your Dwarf plugged into your computer, if you open a command prompt in Windows, type in:

ssh root@

You’ll then be prompted for the password used to access your Dwarf. That’s listed in the link to the wiki that @Drakh provided.

When you meet the Mod logo in the command prompt, that means you have access to the Dwarf’s file system.

From there, the best advice I can give is to use the following site/game to learn how to navigate the Linux file system:

You’ll likely need to remount the filesystem, the command for which is also on the page @Drakh linked.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you run into any roadblocks.


Since you don’t even know what ssh means, I strongly advise you to gain some basic knowledge before you log on, because you will be accessing the file system using the root user: in unix systems, root is the most powerful user, and you could compromise your system if you delete or alter some files by mistake.
If you follow the guides and the instructions provided by the community it is very unlikely that you will mess the system, but better be safe than sorry :sweat_smile:


Yeah this absolutely sounds like the type of thing I could totally screw up :person_facepalming::person_facepalming:
Will this plugin be portef to Beta any time soon because this is one of my fav plugins ever and I REALLY want to start using it :sob:

Keeping my fingers crossed

There is easier ways to do this - and it does not need to be as daunting as to using terminal and going all
hacker mode in order to achieve SSH’ing your mod device.

I suggest trying to get yourself WINSCP.
Connect your MOD device to your computer
Start up WINSCP
you will get prompted with a welcome screen, and you can gain root access to your devices after inputting the username and password as follows,
user “root”
password “mod”.

You should now be able to see the folder structures in your devices.
The ones on the right is where you have gained access, the ones on the left is your computer.
If you have the correct builds, make sure the folder structures are formatted with the right ending *.lvl2
and that the files are present in the folders when you copy them over.

After saving the changes and rebooting your device, the plugin should now be available to you.

Let me know if you need further assistance.
All the best.

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If someone starts working on a mk file for building it, we can easily host the builds in MOD Cloud Builder
That way the install process is as painless as it can be.


in this branch: GitHub - drakh/LiveCut-LV2 at moddwarf-build there is .mk file already prepared, i used it to built it actually.


Does this mean there will be a beta plugin soon?