LiveCut for ModDwarf

So, finally i was able to compile LiveCut.

For those who don’t know, LiveCut is VST implementation of Nick Collins library for SuperCollider called BBCut.
The plugin was writen by MDSP from Smartelectronix.

eventual-recluse ported MDSP’s plugin to modern architecture using @falkTX DPF framework.
I just prepared the build for ModDwarf.

You can find the sources with the build makefiles here

How to install:
Download .so and .ttl files from here: Release test build for moddwarf · drakh/LiveCut-LV2 · GitHub

Put them under the LiveCut.lv2 folder

and then copy the plugin to your dwarf

scp -rp ./LiveCut.lv2 root@


OMG! I loved the LiveCut plugin and Supercollider library, and Nick Collins’phd thesis on the topic, really excited for this!!

Any chance it’ll make an appearance in the beta section of the store? I am useless with compiling stuff from git hub!

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I need to read some how to, to prepare it for beta plugins. Meanwhile, you don’t need to compile anything, on the github there are already binaries compiled for mod dwarf, just download them and upload to your unit

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So i am a bit confused about what files i need, but is it only the .so and .ttl files that i need to have loaded up on the dwarf?

I tried putting the The two files in the .rootfolder/lv2 folder, but even after rebooting, they dont show up. Should i copy the whole folder (source code) or am i missing something completely?

Sorry for the questions, this is a first attempt at loading up external plugins.

Thank you so much for this! My interest in the mod is primarily around live looping - and I’ve long been trying to find ways of adding variation - particularly to percussive elements. This is totally perfect as an idea for that.

My first experiments have been super interesting - though I find it quite hard to understand the purpose and consequences of changes in the various parameters there are available. What parameter(s) would I tweak if I only wanted small levels of randomization? Is there any documentation anywhere that you could recommend? I’ve tried a “livecut bbcut tutorial” google search, but this does not bring up results with much detail.

But I will progress with it. In the meantime - huge kudos for this! I couldnt have come up with a better example of A plugin I didnt realize I really needed!

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if they dont show up - it might be because its difficult to find them. In the mod web interface put “Livecut” into the search field - e.g.

Then the plugin should appear in the “all” section

Hey Steve, thanks for the clarification.
I’m using winscp pr. the instructions laid out by jacube in the ExpressionRamper thread.
after logging into my dwarf, I make a new folder in the “.root/.lv2/ folder called livecut.lv2, and put the”.so" and “.ttl” files in there.
Is there other steps in order for the plugins to show?

that should be enough, after putting them there the unit refreshes the list itself and and after that you shoul be able to find it using search.

i think best way to experminet with it using it as VST plugin in you computer DAW.
by compiling this source GitHub - eventual-recluse/LiveCut: A version of the Livecut beat-slicer audio plugin adapted for the DISTRHO Plugin Framework.

ot if you are windows here is compiled VST3

basically there are three algorithms
CutProc11 - this produces early jungle like beat mashing
WarpCut - Aphex Twin style beat mashing
SqPusher - i think name well describes itself :wink:

For each algorithm there is a section with its parameters

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I did the same but I also put the manifest.tll-file into the livecut.lv2 folder… and it appeared on my MOD GUI. Not sure if it is really necessary but it worked out fine…



Is it possible to map the parameters to midi?

That did it! Needs the Manifest.ttl file to appear!!

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yes of course, that should be possible thanks to dwarf os out of the box for any plugin for its propagated parameters

I’ve loaded up the plugin on my dwarf, and am trying to feed some different samples into the input. It seems not to respond or pass sound through.

Same for me.

You need to start the transport on dwarf


That Worked :star_struck:

there is extensive documentation for BBcut library in supercollider - also Nick Collins’ phd thesis is worth a look alo is a bit heavy