Of course, you’re right. I was under the impression that the Dwarf was extremely powerful and could handle having more control over the signal flow. I’m not asking for anything truly demanding like polyphonic synth plugins but I guess I’m being “entitled” for even asking for just a basic control that I believe would benefit the Dwarf.
“Ungrateful”? Seriously? Did Mod Devices just give us these things for free and thus I should just be thankful and consider myself lucky that I have one? Sorry if I don’t worship at their altar. I paid for mine.
Just once I’d like to see a response like “we’ll look into it”. There have been some supportive posts, yes, but a good number have been reasons for why it can’t be done or is unnecessary because there’s already a workaround.
As good as the Dwarf could be, I’m sorry but its usability as a whole just ain’t there yet. Yes, sonically you can create some highly unusual and interesting sounds with it. But for regular guitar sounds, it’s only a tiny bit better and easier to get a good sound from than the Helix. However, just for kicks, I recently got a NuX MG30 which is LEAGUES easier to manage and get a good sound from than the Dwarf. Like the Dwarf, it is, out of the box, smoother sounding than the Helix. But also, unlike the Dwarf, (and I know this strays from the subject at hand) I can edit it right from the front panel without any prior setup using its editor. Is it perfect? No, of course not. It has its own albeit very minor flaws and yes much more limited in what it can do. But creating, managing and searching its ‘pedalboards’ has an elegance that the Dwarf can only dream of. And no, I have not experienced any internal digital clipping issues with it and so a level control or metering has not been necessary.
If feeling like and saying that the Dwarf could be and should be better than it is makes me “entitled”, so be it. I’ll freely own up to that label but having the Dwarf does not oblige me to be grateful.
I had a good hard look at what I get from my other modeling devices. The bottom line for me is that other than being able to create some unusual sounds and admittedly beautiful sounds, the Dwarf offers me no significant advantage over the other two modeling pedals that I own. In fact for my purposes, its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. Yes I’ve hooked up a midi keyboard and checked out the synths. Meh.
You know what, I’m going to shelve the Dwarf for now and see what improvements (if any) come along in a year.
I truly do hope that the Mod team can and do prove me wrong and that they can turn the Dwarf into something truly world class. I am very curious to see what Mod Devices comes up with in a year so for now, I’m putting the Dwarf back in its case, boxing it up and logging out of this forum.
See you in 2023.