Introducing the MOD Desktop - Beta release

In what way is it not working? I haven’t used the desktop MOD yet.

Is there no midi input to choose from?

I’ll try my end later tonight to see if I can get it working

OK had a bit of a play this pm. TOUCHOSC works perfectly - windows 10 home with standalone mod running.

Can no one from MOD Audio answer this basic question?

Hi @Invictus_Hi-Fi

Sorry for the lack of response

We surely wish to enable the sharing, but for that we need to work on somethings from the back end first

But I can assure you it is wished here too :slight_smile:


Thanks! Good to know.

although not ideal, if you geek out a bit you can copy the boards mannualy.

maybe that helps for the time being

Thanks - is there any guides for that?

not really :slight_smile:

are you using Windows, Mac or Linux?

I’m using a Mac for Mod Desktop.

Guessing I can somehow save the patch as a file and then import manually somehow?

The pedalboards are already saved as subfolders inside the “~/Documents/MOD Desktop/pedalboards” folder.

You need to copy the desired ones to the “.pedalboards” folder inside the Dwarf.

Do you know how to use the “scp” command ?

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Yep, can use that. How do I get them onto the device?

You just need to scp the desired boards to the .pedalboards folder inside your Dwarf.

Credentials and file system instructions are here: Access MOD using SSH - MOD Wiki

let me know if that helps

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Any chance the MOD Desktop could be made available to install/update using winget on windows? It’s really nice to see it being updated so fast and that could make it easier to always use the latest version on windows

Unlikely, at the moment it’s still alpha software so it doesn’t make sense to push it to a repository.
But also using something like winget puts a lot of strain on packaging and distribution side.
(there might also be licensing issues, it is Microsoft after all)

For now using the github releases is the best way.

Great - thanks!

I couldn’t find the lv2 plugin version of mod-desktop mentioned here. Where can I download it?

Also for the normal desktop version, is there any way to modify the number of pipewire inputs used, similar to REAPER?

@Eric_Charles1 Introducing the MOD Desktop - Beta release - #235 by falkTX

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I discovered mod desktop a few days ago, and I’m using it to evaluate if I could use dwarf in my setup.

I’m an acoustic guitar player and I’m currently using line6 helix LT, but I’m impressed by the mod ecosystem and routing possibilities! Great work!

I don’t know if it’s possible but it could be useful to have a sort of visual clue on the cpu load meter to compare the current pedalboard cpu requirement to the dwarf cpu (perhaps by comparing linux bogomips?)

Anyway I’m liking a lot what you are doing, even if it’s not still perfect and I want to say thanks.


How can I include a link to some improvvisation I made with the ModDesktop?


I’ve noticed that the rakarrack effects are not in the plugins for the Windows version. Is there any way to get them added to windows MOD Desktop? I’ve always liked the rakarrack effects when using them in Linux, but didn’t know if they can’t be compiled for Windows.

Hi folks, first post here, wanted to make my first dive into the MOD world by installing this desktop version but I encountered an issue that’s stopping me on two different win11 PCs: whenever I press the Start button it stops again after a couple seconds and I get this error in the mod-ui log

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “.\”, line 40, in run
File “.\lib\”, line 37, in run
File “utils\cxfreeze\”, line 13, in
File “.\lib\Cryptodome\”, line 36, in
File “.\lib\Cryptodome\”, line 51, in
File “.\lib\Cryptodome\”, line 34, in
File “.\lib\Cryptodome\”, line 315, in load_pycryptodome_raw_lib
OSError: Cannot load native module ‘Cryptodome.Util._cpuid_c’: Not found ‘_cpuid_c-cpython-38.dll’, Not found ‘_cpuid_c-abi3.dll’, Not found ‘_cpuid_c.cp38.pyd’, Not found ‘_cpuid_c.pyd’

It seems this files are missing but I don’t know where to find them nor where they should be. Anyone who could give me a hint?

Installed on my Mac. Everything worked perfectly. Didn’t even read any instructions. Just worked.

Amazing work team. Loving it. Especially the open source aspect. Thank you!

Ok - back to playing.