Introducing the MOD Desktop - Beta release

I think the long-term plan is to move from device-centric to user-centric management of plugins and such.

This means there first needs to be a way to deal with the concept of a “user” for MOD ecosystem (and back-end) and then could be used for device, desktop, plugin, etc.

So yes the “chance” is there, but it still needs a lot of work to happen


This is so cool!
Thanks, @falkTX, for this hard work!

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Sam x

Another request: is it possible to load the “standard NAM player”? Or maybe in the future?

the “official” one for MOD is the very same engine, so you already have the full one on the platform and for the mod-desktop too.


ok it is time for some initial testing for mod desktop as a plugin!

please note:

  • it does not work under windows yet, but should work on macos and linux
  • it is very experimental and likely to break randomly
  • since it is experimental it is not meant to be used for anything besides testing
  • you need a github account to get the links from the github actions, if you dont know what that means then ignore this post altogether and check back here again once things are more stable

since it is very experimental lets not pollute the forum topic with a discussion around it, but leave it in github for now.

please read the details of the ticket before reporting an issue. thanks!


You mean as plugin in a DAW?
Damn, can’t wait to see that in Windows; loading up my pedalboard as a plugin in Reaper.
I already thought being able to to do so with the AIDA-X plugin was awesome!


Hello, I can’t find the .AU installer. If you need I can test the plugin version with Logic

Installed the Mod Desktop on Linux Mint yesterday.

I previously made some pedalboards with the Duo hardware version and exported them to use on the Desktop version (I also made sure I copied all plugins).

The pedalboards load, and I can hear my guitar sound through the headphones, but without effects.
I use a simple Focusrite USB interface, which I selected on the first menu, but it seems the guitar sound is only bypassing without effects.

I don’t have Jack previously installed on the computer, is that necessary?

Another question, I use Reaper as DAW, would it be possible from there to select Mod Desktop as Input somehow? I tried several things in Reapers audio menus, but didn’t seem to be able to do that, yet.
I’d love to use my setup like this: guitar > USB Interface > Mod Desktop > Reaper (and output via the USB interface again)
However, running Mod Audio as a plugin in a DAW would even be better!

(Perhaps the answer was already mentioned, but I didn’t read the whole thread)

I hate to be that guy, but… :wink:

as much as I love the mod-desktop thing, I ca’t wait to get some of the new features (e.g. plugins swap) on my dwarf.

Is there any plan for a firmware update?

I’ve never tried, but it could be possible. I’ve used KXStudio : Applications : Catia before to route audio from one program (e.g. Reaper) to another one (e.g. Signal/Skype/etc.)
→ definitely check out KX Studio, if you haven’t! More great software by falkTX!

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You can try @Jandalf’s idea. But check this (a few posts above) for later :

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That would be awesome indeed!

Plugins built for a MOD device will be of a different CPU architecture from the ones on Desktop, and won’t work,

WOW! I downloaded the Carla source code to my raspberry pi, untarred it and looked for the ‘configure’ script. Didn’t find it, so I figured “What the hell. I’ll just do a ‘make’ and check it later.” Just checked and it compiled! The only thing I’ve done so far is run 'carla-lv2-export and it created all the files.

I knew this development team was pretty awesome. Just one more example of their high level of expertise and dedication.

And yes, I realize that this whole project extends far beyond the Mod developers, but that’s the beauty of this extended community.


Oh I see, yes.
I tried with the desktop plugins now, and the sound came through :slight_smile:

Couldn’t seem to connect the output sound to my DAW yet. (not with alsa nor jack)
Will wait until the plugin is ready :slight_smile:
Anyway, really looking forward to be able to run things on the desktop directly !!
Great project!

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Hello, I use regularly the MOD Desktop for guitar and bass rigs and I’m very enthusiast (tomorrow I will introduce it on a big italian YT channel).
I can say that many plugins work very well but I must report that the ChowCentaur on Distortion menu is not working at all.
On Dwarf is one of my fav plugins and is great.


Sorry if this has already been requested but is possible to enable the share function to allow us to upload patches built on desktop and then import them on our devices?

Mod Desktop works really well as a means to build FX chains when on the move so would love to see this. Is it possible?

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In what way is it not working? I haven’t used the desktop MOD yet.

Is there no midi input to choose from?

I’ll try my end later tonight to see if I can get it working

OK had a bit of a play this pm. TOUCHOSC works perfectly - windows 10 home with standalone mod running.

Can no one from MOD Audio answer this basic question?