How big is the jump from the original Mod Duo to a Mod Dwarf?

What’s different? How much better/faster is it?

The Duo uses a Cortex A7 (dual core, 32bit, 1ghz) and the Dwarf a Cortex A35 (quad core, 64bit, 1.3ghz).

I think you could very roughly say that a Dwarf is ~4x as powerful, all considering.

With a Duo I can usually only use 4-6 moderate plugins and none of the newer/fancier ones. Where as a Dwarf can handle much more complicated and bigger things (although it’s not as powerful as the DuoX of course).


Is it less buggy and also more responsive while using the editor via Bluetooth/USB?
I always have so many issues, even when connecting. Let alone editing…

Any feedback on my last reply?

I can’t answer that since I don’t use bluetooth :person_shrugging:

It’s certainly more responsive over USB networking.

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Bluetooth is sh*t, as usual : always a mess to connect, and in the Dwarf’s case it’s slow because there is some MB to transfer the 1st time.
When connected and loaded you can interact smoothly with the Dwarf.

I use wifi, much more easy and fast.


Regarding Bluetooth, I have no issues with pairing or connecting to my Dwarf, but I can confirm that is painfully slow.

I still find it useful to tweak some parameters or to bind them to the hardware controls when I forgot to assign them properly during pedalboard construction.

But bear in mind I’m connecting from a smartphone, thus the screen size becomes a serious limit: maybe by using a tablet you can have a better experience.

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From a purely technical point of view, some things may have changed:

Source: Say hello to the MOD Dwarf - #178 by gianfranco

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Compared to the Mod Duo it’s more responsive via USB?
That would be great because half the time my OG Mod Duo just won’t connect…

Ok but is it slow in functioning over bluetooth or is it slow to use because of the screen size or both. Nit very clear to me from what you’ve written.

I have my android tablet on me everywhere so I use that.

Does the dwarf have biult in bluetooth?

What’s the difference between independent multi stage input leveling vs Mod Dwarf input specs?? What’s the difference in practice?

Also the output on the dwarf isn’t balanced/TRS?

Why is maximum parameters assignable per knob written down twice?

Can the dwarf be used as a usb midi host? If so, can it handle a usb hub for usb midi in AND out?

No, nobody ever claimed this.

Network over bluetooth is just never going to be as reliable or fast as a physical connection.

Dwarf indeed does not have balanced/TRS input or outputs. Just regular line level.

What do you mean with “used as a usb midi host”?
You can connect usb midi devices on its usb-host port. And yes you can use a usb hub to connect several.

These will show up as individual i/o in the editor if you enable that. This is the same for all MOD devices. If you already have a Duo there is nothing different.

In my personal experience, it’s both: once connected, it takes a long time to render a pedalboard (about 40 to 60 seconds). Once it is loaded, you can navigate the pedalboard smoothly, but the mix of small screen size and the use of touch screen to select and drag the plugins lead to a poor user experience on a phone.

I still find this feature useful and I’m glad to have bought the Bluetooth dongle, because it allows me to apply quick fixes on my pedalboards even when I can’t use a computer. But if responsiveness is what your looking for, you’d better use a regular USB connection.


Yes, if you do that. IMHO

But note that there is still a ~problem at the moment.

Purely technical Phaze III:

Dude chill, it was just a general question…

Thanks for the info :grin:

Ehm but usb midi hosting is not the same as audio interface :sweat_smile: not looking to use it as an audio interface.

Do u have an answer to my questions instead of just sending me technical information I dont understand?

Here are my questions again:


I’m just trying to help, based on purely technical data as I only have the DuoX.
When I did the "Audio_Through_USB " according to wiki I had not only audio but also MIDI I/O that I can use on my computer. You just have to activate the “Separated mode” in the Web_GUI: MOD Web GUI User Guide - MOD Wiki.
It should be the same with the Dwarf. IMHO
Or do you want to use the USB_MIDI independently of the computer, i.e. only with external HW devices? I haven’t tested that yet.


What are a few examples of new and fancy plugins that the Duo can’t run? If I read your post correctly. I haven’t fully explored the plugins and this would be a time saver.

I can answer that with some examples.
To start, most of the modeling stuff (so NAM, AIDA, etc). I’m not sure if they are available even for the MOD Duo, but if they are, hardly you will be able to run any model.
Then you have plugins such as the Looperlative ones that are not available.
RM Pro I think also can’t run. Then some of the newer Delays, Reverbs, Amps and cabinets will also take all your CPU very quickly.

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