Would u recommend any specific WiFi dongle? I mean is there stuff out there that won’t be compatible with the Mod Dwarf?
PS pulled the trigger on the mod dwarf
Would u recommend any specific WiFi dongle? I mean is there stuff out there that won’t be compatible with the Mod Dwarf?
PS pulled the trigger on the mod dwarf
I’ve bought one which doesn’t need any additional driver on Linux… I don’t remember the name, it’s really cheat and work like a charm
If you want to play safe, go for any Edimax branded adapter. They offer great Linux support.
Also is there a tutorial on how to things setup for the wireless connection?
Wow I have no ide what “SSH into the device” means…
Feel free to message me about it! I work in tech support and could use more experience explaining these sorts of things.
Awesome thanks a bunch!
Do u mind if I take a while?
Got some heavy stuff going on at home right now…