Hi! Come Introduce Yourself!

Hi all, I am from Seattle and new to music production; finally taking it up as a hobby after many years of procrastinating. I got a Mod Duo X and am excited to use it once I can get it to work with my Mac (which is why I am here in the forums!)


hello everyone, blessed to be here. I bought a mod duo x second hand online, which isnā€™t working. does anyone know where I could help to repair it? love from berlin nati

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I mean ā€œwhere I could get help to repair itā€ THANK YOU :fire:

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Welcome! I hope you are able to get your DuoX up and running quickly :slight_smile:

I have already second MOD Dwarf because I like the idea of the one device that will cover all my needs in the modeling and effects.
I have few questions about these devices and thatā€™s why I registered on this forum. I used it before in RO mode but it is time to start to write something.


Welcome! We look forward to what you make :slight_smile:

Hello dear Gianfranco, my request regarding the bypass is up in the air and there is no answer, now at least tell me what should I do?

still donā€™t know where I find some help with the set up for my second hand mod duo X :cry: the pre owner used microsoft and I use apple and I canā€™t get it running. the display is blank and I paid too much to just let go, I really need it for an upcoming performanceā€¦someone? please?? :pray:t4: :pleading_face:

Why donā€™t you try to knock here ?
Ernst-Augustin-StraƟe 9
12489 Berlin

  1. You need to better describe the problem to give anbody the chance to help you
  2. If the unit is broken and the seller didnā€™t tell you that, heā€™s liable

plus, if the problem is that the device worked under Windows and you simply canā€™t connect to the graphical interface via an apple device, have you searched the forum for key words like ā€œmacā€ etc.?

Hello. New member - I hope Iā€™m posting this in the correct manner.
Iā€™m interested in finding out if the MOD desktop is a viable option for my needs. Iā€™m currently using NAM with Guitarix in XUbuntu with good success; however, Iā€™m wondering if i would be able to achieve similar or even better results with NAM under the MOD desktop.
These are my general goals for a setup:

  • Install MOD desktop engine on a fanless CPU in headless mode in XUbuntu to process the sound with IO on a USB audio interface
  • Use a separate laptop as the GUI using ethernet to connect GUI laptop to headless MOD computer.
  • Midi control of parameters with a USB midi controller
    With my current Guitarix setup Iā€™m able to get latency down to about 4 ms total (loopback cable total round trip measurement). I can avoid x-runs by offloading all graphics tasks and doing the standard realtime Jack optimization. It seems to me that the MOD desktop is a good option to duplicate this kind of approach because I should be able to run the engine on one computer and then connect to it via browser from a second computer. Iā€™m interested in MOD because it has more flexible routing options than Guitarix and perhaps more plugin options.

I see that there is a pre-built set of files for linux and I will download and see what happens, but Iā€™m also interested in building from source in my XUbuntu environment. Are there any basic instructions for building from the source code? (dependencies, standard set of commands to make/build?)

Is there anything essential I should understand before I dive into this? For example, is there any kind of key configuration or setup I should be doing in order to achieve low latency? Iā€™ll be giving this a try but I thought Iā€™d introduce myself here first and see if there are any hints or tips that might help me avoid any known issues.

Hello , i would understand the process to install a volume control with expression pedal into the mod dwarf effect chain (before modulation and time effects):pray::+1::guitar:for live !!!

Since dwarf has no expression pedal input, the easiest thing to do is buy some midi adapter with expression pedal input and then map the relative midi control change parameter to a Volume/gain plugin. Look for Chocolate Midi for a cheap one.

But, to be honest, at the same price you would be able to buy a volume pedal to connect straight to the dwarf output

BOSS makes a MIDI expression pedal that can be used wired or wireless (I use a USB cable to connect it to my Dwarf).

Have you had success with the Boss pedal? Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnā€™t. Iā€™m not sure if settings are changing every time I boot up? Any suggestions? For some reason I thought that the midi channel was changing from CC1 to CC11 or the 11-1

I got that one at home. Works flawless so far via Midi Jack or USB Midi.

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Yeah, every time I turn it on I have to remember to depress the pedal to click over to the second channel (the one where the white LED illuminates on the left side) because for some reason it doesnā€™t work on the first channel by default. Itā€™s annoying to have to remember to do that, but itā€™s also annoying to remember to turn the pedal on. :stuck_out_tongue: So it just becomes part of the start-up checklist.

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We are hijacking the presentation thread. Anyway I still think that volume control is far better achieved by a simple and hassle-free analog pedal

Overcomplicated midi can be useful for a wah or some weird delay configuration/ freeze effect

thank you, is this a real offer? best regards, swanni