Hi! Come Introduce Yourself!

Hi everyone! I just discovered MOD Pedalboard today and im still trying to figure out how to use it. All help is welcome and im soooo looking forward to the community, the flexibility and the discovery of the product!


Welcome to the community!

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Hello everyone!

steptwo is Just a geek/guitarist/singer form France :wink:
I love experimenting with my brand new Dwarf.

I Just finish modding a cheap volume Pedal from Amazon to get a midi over usb triple expression pedal with a toe switch and two additional switches (for a looper maybe).

Anyway, happy to join


Hello all :slight_smile:

Basstick here-- multi-instrumentalist and session musician with a huge interest in tech/open source gear. Just received a brand new Dwarf from Germany to the US, and currently setting it up to be my Keybass/Chapman Stick rig to sidecar with my main bass pedalboard. It will likely be gigging with me this weekend to support a rock show, and it will be used as a keyboard side rig at a theater run for the following 4 weekends!

Love the gear, love the vibe of this community-- been lurking for the last 2 years or so, and excited to see where MOD goes from here. Thank you!



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Hello All,

I’m Jimmy. I’m a home guitarist with over 4 million unfinished songs.

I stumbled across the MOD dwarf a couple of weeks ago and took a closer look last night, and downloaded the MOD Desktop.

I’m impressed.

I was considering getting a multieffects unit for a while but couldn’t decide what I wanted. I’m a linux user so there’s always some challenges with finding something that won’t be too difficult to update and use.

Strongly considering the MOD Dwarf…



Welcome! And I say go for it! :sunglasses:


I just ordered one!


Great! Let us know how it goes :guitar:

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Good people of MOD, very happy to have found you, thanks for all the work done so far.

I’m through the first few MOD desktop hours now and really impressed, even in this pre-release state. Also works in the Chromebook debian container to my surprise. Coming from DAW channel strips it’s such a joy to have a free form canvas instead Touchscreen usage is almost there, some switching between fingers and pen involved but it’s fine.

Fond memories of a similar workflow back in the day with Minihost Modular, Pedalboard VST loader and Carla in KXStudio.

What stood out to me as impressive first impressions:

AIDA-X is rocking in the free world. Sounded as good as NAM through my power amp and 10" combo. Feel is also there. @Boukman’s Victory Countess and @itskais’ Twin Reverb 68 are great. I’m a clean with slight breakup player, don’t need much more than that.

TAP tubes is nice, curious to hear it through larger speakers some day.

Shiro shimmer and modulay excellent, never been a shimmer guy before, now it’s always on. Same with CAPS plate, very nice borderland towards regular spring verb.

Guitar ‘synth’ options are intriguing, never tried that before.

Great work, thanks again.


Welcome! I’ll have to try the victory model too!


Hi, I play 8 and 10-string Touchguitars, which is family of the Chapman Stick. I also play bass, guitar and synths. I bought the MOD dwarf because of all the possible routings you can do with it and for it’s MIDI capabilities.
Currently trying to make the slide function of the Artiphone Instrument 1, which requires pitch bend to be interpreted as 12 steps, work on the MOD dwarf.
Would like to make a post about it.


Welcome! All that sounds so complicated to me as an average guitar player lol. Would love to know more about it!

Great to see you here Tim!
Hopefully one of the community can help you…

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I’m Andy I’m a bass player, and I’ve just bought the Dwarf, although I’m having issues getting my Mac to see it at the mo :frowning_face: So I’ve not been able to dive in and try it out, sadly.

It only arrived today and when I unpacked it I noticed it looked like it had been used. So I rang the shop apparently it was a mistake that they’d advertised it as new. They reimbursed me £75 but I’m beginning to wonder whether it’s faulty and that’s why my Mac doesn’t see it…? Does that sound likely?

Any advice would be gladly accepted!

Anyway, I hoping to learn lots on this great forum :slight_smile:


Welcome to another bass player :smile:

I assume you have tried the most simple test: unplug the power chord, while the USB is still in the Dwarf and your computer is on, and then re-insert the power chord (basically what amounts to switching the Dwarf off and on again).


Welcome! I hope you get it sorted out!

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Welcome @AndyP to the world of MOD.
I’m also a bass player and a Dwarf/Mac user.
I have at time had issues connecting to my Dwarf from MacOS via USB, whilst connection from an iPad has been fine. I believe that it might be an Apple issue rather than a Dwarf one.
Sam x


Hi @AndyP

Sorry to hear about the purchase experience. Which shop was it?

We have not shipped Dwarf units to UK dealers for a long time, so the unit is likely a return.

And as it might be a return, it is likely that the USB mode is set to Windows, which is not the default mode.

You can fix it following these instructions: Dwarf Device Settings - MOD Wiki

Let me know if that helps

And welcome!!


hey @SamIAm have you checked to be sure your mac isn’t assuming https?? i ran into that recently, and had to make sure it’s just http!
