Getting ready for new LP3 release

Yes. Briefly “overdub” then play till next attempt.

Dwarf’s own switch - “momentary on” mode

Sorry, messages were flying fast and I got out of sequence. Do you have something connected to the MIDI input port on the LP3? Have you tried disconnecting the virtual cable? If that works, you can try changing the MIDI channel number on the LP3.

Sorry for the rushing :slight_smile: And thanks for the fast responses!

Dwarf is synced to external seqencer:

LP3 has no cables connected, but is in “Host Sync/External midi” mode:

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That should be fine. The external port only sends clock info to the LP3. The MIDI in connector can send commands to the LP3 via note messages. So, this seems really strange that disconnecting the sequencer will matter because that will only impact host sync. Let me connect my drum machine and see if I get the same result. If not, I may need to enable some debugging to get a picture of what is happening.

To be precise - not disconnecting, just pressing Stop on it.
Also my PB has midi loopback and a lot of midi processing. Maybe I should retry on clean PB, will update when this done.

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Ok, I can reproduce this issue. This is a strange one to be sure as I’ve never tried this combination in the past. I’ll work on this and see where the issue is.


Thanks for your work.
I’ve never take care of the midi output.
What is it for?
Could it send a midi message when using play stop or changing track or part?
That would be usefull for my BeatBuddy.

I can’t speak for the Dwarf. I don’t know how the physical port works. The virtual MIDI output on the LP3 supplies a MIDI clock based on the length of track 1.


I’ve got a fix, but will require more testing before I release it. I’ll probably hand this off to MOD after tomorrow or Monday.


@xko There is a new version on the store that fixes the issue that you saw. Actually it fixes more than one similar issue that hasn’t previously been reported.


Thanks for your efforts in reporting this bug!

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Thank you @looperlative ! You nailed this one :slight_smile:
I’m still struggling with parts and save/load function… But maybe I just don’t understand how it works (certainly not exactly as in documentation - something have changed). Can you please explain in detail how is Part button supposed to work now and how are parts related to save/load ?
Also when track/part is synced to host time, should the sync position be restored when loaded?


You want to save and load a synchronized track, and you know that the tempo is identical to when you saved it?


@xko For clarity, the software can make minor adjustments to keep tracks in sync, but if there is a significant difference in tempo, then the attempts at correction will fail. So, at the moment there is no attempt to maintain synchronization through a save/load pair given that synchronization is basically a live performance type of thing.

That said, tell me how you intend to use this and let me see if that use case can be handled.

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Yes. Let’s assume I write down the tempo for each save slot, and set it on drum machine accordingly.

  • If you mean “you don’t need save/load if playing live” - I disagree. Being able to use pre-recorded pieces will certainly help perfroming, although this is not what I’m after right now
  • If you mean “you don’t need sync unless playing live” - I strongly disagree, 'cause this is what I’m after:
    The idea is to have a session consisting of a drum pattern (maybe several) in drum machine + maybe a bassline in external seqencer + some tracks recoreded in LP3 (maye several instances of it). I’d probably have several of such sessions, swtiching between them, trying different things etc… If I cannot restore the session with all the pieces in sync, this whole thing makes no sense of course :frowning:

Here is the problem. MIDI clock is just a tick every 24th of a quarter note. There is no bar or beat information in the clock. Resyncing to the bar cannot be done automatically due to lack of information. However, I can make it start when you click play and the retain sync based on this click being the start of the bar.

If that works for you, then I can get an update to the software in the next week or 2.


Ok… now I see… This means, once recorded it has to keep playing to stay in sync and stop button is esentially “mute”… This is tricky…

But can it remember where, relative to the bar, original recording started? If yes, then yes - restored track can start same interval after clicking play.

Another idea: what about transport state? When it starts it’s always start of the bar. Right? What if you listen to it, count ticks from the last one, then use host’s beats/bar setting to tell the position in the bar… Does this make sense?

You are transmitting MIDI clock to the Dwarf. Again, MIDI clock itself has no concept of bars and beats. A drum machine will send a MIDI start when the play button is pressed. Honestly, I don’t know what the Dwarf host sync does when it receives the MIDI start. Does it also restart? If it does, then host sync will know the bar and thus host syncing could retain the bar synchronization.

For MIDI sync into the looper, it will assume that you pressed record at the start of the bar and there really is nothing else that it can assume.

So, I will take a look at host sync and see if we can save a track with host sync information. Again, it will only succeed if the tempo hasn’t changed from when it was saved.

I’ve looked through my code. This shouldn’t be too difficult with host time because the LP3 is already measuring time based on the start of every measure. I’ll need to store more information in the header of the save file and then restore it on a load. I’m not sure when I’ll have it done and tested, but I will let you know.


Thanks a lot! Looking forward!
But now I have more pressing issue… Save function stopped worked for me compeltely. Just nothing appears in directory and nothing is loaded from that slot later. I can load older recordings, but cannot save any.
This seems to happen only on my PB. On new empty one, with only LP3 on it - works fine