We hope for the opposite
There are two bottlenecks in the beta plugin store.
1 - publishing either for the first time or as an update requires action from the MOD team, so any action requires time from the team
2 - the store does not receive binaries. It compiles the plugins for the multiple devices. In order to do so, the code must be structured accordingly, so that it can be built by the mod-plugin-builder.
None will change without significant changes of the architecture of the entire platform.
With the flow we are proposing, developers will not need to worry about setting up toolchains and can focus on making code that can be built by the online builder (that uses mod-plugin-builder).
Once the developer can build a plugin he is satisfied with and wants to have people testing, he can open a topic here in the forum, share the link provided by the online builder, and allow other users to easily try the plugin. They just need to click and the plugin will be installed in their units.
All the testing and improvement can happen inside this topic, with the many links of the builds being shared direclty here. We expect that in this phase a proper UI, presetting and a manual are also produced.
Technically, these plugins are considered “local” and pedalboards with these plugins cannot be shared to the online feed, so they are still quite contained in terms of audience.
Once the plugin is ready to be tested by a wider audience, we publish it in beta, making it available to all device owners via the Web UI, and able to be included in shared pedalboards.
In this flow we want to put in place, developers will be able to reach the the last step in a totally unattended manner.
The time consumed for this last step is very small and can be handled by the team.
There is a whole different angle that also needs to be also tacled, that is the gigantic mess of the beta plugin store. It currently contains hundreds of plugins, ranging from total crap to raw diamonds.
We have plans to “reset” it, sending all plugins to a website from where they can be installed, but outside of the Web UI.
We then can start populating it again with plugins that are actually being maintained and taken care of.