Hi guys,
There’s been an increase of offered plugins here, which is great!
I am concerned about these plugin reaching their potential audience though.
What if we could get more people to actually, test, give feedback and promote these community made plugins?
It is a Strength of the platform that we can but it is also a Threat when it is kept as such a black box to many people.
What if we can create a smoother process of these plugins to reach the beta plugins list in the plugin store? Easier access = more potential people to test it and yet again shorter path to 1.0 publish in the live, public plugin store?
I count myself in the part of the audience that is able to manually copy plugins (which a command line refresher to brush up on those skills though) but to be honest, I don’t feel much to grab source code from a git hun an try to get it working on my MOD Dwarf somehow…
It would be SO much easier if I could test plugins right out of the “beta” plugin store; or even some kind of “alpha” store, so I can download from my mod GUI, get it on my board and try it right away.
It could define the role and necessary skillset as “tester” a little better as well and we could create a clear workflow to widen that publishing funnel sooner
What is needed in order to achieve this?
- more testing of the plugins?
- Standardization and documentation of tihs process?
- a “alpha” plugin store in the GUI for this purpose?
- more support to get people to wrap their plugins with a basic gui to make the UX nicer?
- more support for people to package to a format that is beta or alpha store ready?
- A designated “go to market” person acting as catalyst to help people get their plugins through the publishing funnel?