Dwarf - Crowdfunding Tier 3 - "? Edition"

I also like this. It sounds important

There are a few problems with raw allumium. Firstly when it starts to oxidise it gets ugly but more importantly, it’s very hard to read the laser engraving since there is very little contrast. You can see this in the photos

It’s super hard to read which is not only annoying for the user but potentially brings legal problems since there is some information we are obligated to have readable on the device.

That is the plan. Metallic dark grey. We are sampling 3 metallic powdercoat finishes as well as investigating anodising. I would prefer anodising if possible because it is closer to a raw finish (think MacBook) and it solves the oxidation problem. But we still have to make it darker than raw aluminium so that you can read the engraving. And yes we will stick to engraving because introducing new processes will just delay it further. Now please note I am not promising anodising. It may not be possible or may also cause delays.

Metalic grey is the plan

In short, we have the colour under control so don’t worry about that. It is not going to change because we have very good reasons for choosing it.

I don’t mind this one

Funny my primary school was called 545 because it was the 545th school in the country.
But yeah it would be almost impossible to sync the number on the engraving with the day we ship

very funny hahaha


I’m a new member who is looking to purchase a Dwarf soon. What tipped me over the edge was this forum and the communal interaction. From what I can tell this tier has been a bit trying due to the state of the world, and community is what we all crave at this point.

That in mind, what about something that signifies the spirit that sold me on this company?

Something like “Unity” or possibly a musical synonym “Harmony”

I also agree on not engraving the word “Edition” fwiw.

Is it too late for me to get in on Tier 3?


Tier 3 is for the crowdfunding backers (kickstarter and Indiegogo) who opted to have their devices delivered in the last group to take pressure off the MOD team and allow us to ship devices to the more impatient backers first.

In exchange for their understanding and patience, the tier 3 backers are rewarded with a unique edition of the device as well as some other digital goodies

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I think the reason I’m against something like “Founder’s Edition” being engraved on the front of the unit is that it draws attention to the nature of the plight of the very patient Tier 3 backers.

As the thread has progressed I’ve felt like the different color and as-yet-undisclosed artwork are enough to distinguish it, because then it looks like a version that could have theoretically been off-the-shelf, but isn’t. Strikes up a better conversation with other musicians, especially if they’re familiar with the Dwarf. Picture it: “Aw man, I haven’t seen one that looks like that, where can I get one?” “You can’t.”

Almost makes it more exclusive to have the same name with just the different look.

An analogy, from my industry (I’m a jeweler). If someone buys a ring I make that normally has an emerald but they want to swap in a sapphire instead, they probably don’t also want me to stamp “Sapphire Edition” on the shank.


I vote the engraving should be “metallic grey edition”


Hi Schwalb,

I went to this direction and added a pun (yeah, I like puns) to find “GreyTest Edition”.

From MOD’s perspective:
Mod Dwarf Savior Edition

From supporters’ perspective:
Mod Dwarf Patience Edition
Mod Dwarf Forbearance Edition
Mod Dwarf Endurance Edition
Mod Dwarf Delayed-Gratification Edition

Or simply:
Mod Dwarf Tier 3

Going with the astronomy theme how about Dwarf Galaxy? Could add a (dwarf) galaxy logo.


I agree that it doesn’t really need an “edition” designation, but if it’s going to have one then “Founder’s” sounds best to my ears. Some of the others (especially Deluxe or Collector’s) seem wrong. I would have personally gone for an actual colour, but it was always a gamble to wait for a special colour and I guess I just have to trust that the resulting metallic grey will look nice.

I’m happy with

  • Limited Edition
  • Collectors Edition
  • Founders Edition

I think it makes sense to have Edition on the title as that’s what it’s meant to be. Some type of special edition for being so damn paitent with this pedal. I definitely don’t want just Love written on there. :face_vomiting:

If the grey colour is not to my liking, I’m hoping I can just opt for a standard black one?


You will be able to choose to have a regular black one if you like but it will not have the special engravings on it. Only the Grey one will have the name and special engraving


Founders or Love has my preference.

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Why not both? “Founders Love” has a nice touch to it :blush:


Indeed ! Ideally, I wouldn’t mind having my name on it as well, since I am not planning to sell it ever. But I guess that can become tricky on your side :slight_smile:

I was one of the early founders of the Mod, then the Dwarf (I only ended up in tier 3 because I didn’t mind people with a more urgent need to skip the queue in front of me), so I like the idea of a bit of a special Dwarf model with some love inside it

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I want mine wrapped in this stuff:


What he said.

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Can we have a vector image of the front panel? AI or SVG will do.

There isn’t going to be any individual personalisation if that’s what you mean. All the tier 3 units will be identical

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NVM; I made my own :slight_smile:

I whipped this up in about an hour in Illustrator. I can share the file if anyone wants.
I spent a couple of decades in Graphic and Web Design so this kind of work is second nature.
This is a very rough sketch but it gets the idea across.

I have many ideas. I’ll keep posting more until someone tells me to stop :grin: