Dwarf - Crowdfunding Tier 3 - "? Edition"


I agree with the comments against a commercial sounding name. I’m leaning more toward poetry or humor. Latin also sounds like a good idea.

Here are a few ideas :

Giant dwarf
Hand on art
Cool edition (because tier 3 backers are cool, aren’t we ? :sunglasses:)
What about a drawing instead of letters ? If it’s too difficult, what about a smiley like : - D or ^U^ or even <3 (with the 3 referring to tier 3) ?

@James I also have 2 questions : can we know how many backers are in tier 3 so that we can have an idea of the time it will take to fulfill it ? And maybe, if it’s possible, can we know the first contribution ID of the list ?

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…great idea, @funkypou!


I’ll be that person - I think Special Edition is fine :stuck_out_tongue:

I also like Prevail which I didn’t see mentioned yet.

It would be neat to acknowledge the current times and cause for delays with a reference to COVID somehow. I learned that on the internets, people make dubious claims that “divoc” (COVID backwards) is equivalent to a Hebrew word translating to “possessed by evil spirits”. Dwarf Divoc

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These are some nice suggestions too although “Magnus” is a proper noun, which can raise copyright issues. What’s “hand on art”?

We are already adding images but the edition has to have a name. Also regardless of whether we engrave “edition” on the device, it will be referred to as an edition. So if it happens that we engrave “Horizon” (for example) on the device, it will still be known as the Horizon Edition

I don’t have this information but I also doubt that we can provide that. Either way, this is a question for @jon and should not be discussed in this thread

I tend to agree. I think something simple is nice. Prevail is also cool. Similar to Persist

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Another vote for “Cool Edition”


@James Thanks for your answers.

It’s a pun with “hand on heart”.

There could be something between the symbol <3 and the name “Love Edition”. Maybe “<3 Edition” that would be known as the Love Edition.

Wait a minute… I have another idea : Grey Test Edition or GreyTest Edition (a bit more geeky).


Horizon, odyssey and Theia all get my votes.

Aside from that if we are thinking Latin then I wouldn’t mind a dwarf climax. :stuck_out_tongue:

the most intense, exciting, or important point of something; the culmination.
culminate in an exciting or impressive event; reach a climax.

Edit: It could also be taken to infer the love concept without being too poetic!


I tend to go toward the geeky as well. Theia is a very cool name. Recently they think theyve found a huge chunk of that little planet sort of churning around in the mantle. The Theia impact also created the moon so there’s that… Its actually a nice bridge between the geeky and the romantic.


True but it’s also a proper noun

let’s call it
Proper Noun

that’s not really a proper noun, right?! :smiley:

…ok, i’ll just go hide in my corner again…


If I win the naming game do I win a free Dwarf ? :thinking:

Or maybe I could rename the DuoX ?


its pretty cool isnt it. Hadn’t really come across it till recently.

No prizes unfortunately haha only the satisfaction of knowing that you did it

I think we will keep the thread going for a bit to see if anyone else has more ideas, then I’ll make a list of the ideas that can work for us and then we can do a poll to see what the favourite is

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“Founders Edition” is my favorite as well.

Or like plutek suggested just “love” or just a heart image would be nice.

I have the first edition unpainted Mod Duo and love the prototype-like look of the unpainted case. Not sure that’s feasible but personally I think that’s more distinctive and “cool” than gray, without being too polarizing.


Oh man, that would be cool!

Where the production units are black, the tier 3 Horizon group would get an awesome metallic dwarf?

I never saw the original, does it show the machining marks, or is it fully polished?

I won’t lie, it’s pretty awesome :sunglasses:


That is sexy indeed

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What about “Investor Edition” ? Metallic gray or pearl gray case. I think gold would be a great color too!

The first ID it’s something that we can’t. The tier 3, between those that didn’t answer at all the survey and those that clearly selected option 3 we have roughly 600 backers.

hahaha for the joke of it, this is my favorite hahah well done @plutek

please don’t! You gave me the nice morning laugh haha

I don’t think that is all that bad. I think it’s something that puts a smile on everyone’s face when thinking how painful the process was - but eventually got there and the device makes the wait valuable, hopefully. It feels a bit like “hope/the wait always pays off”.


I love it! You should be in charge for naming the expression pedal, too.

If not a number, I would probably go for a symbol (耐心 – patience?) or some sort of deity. Persephone? Penelope, perhaps.

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