Companion plugin for external MIDI control buttons

Give this a try. I have tested this with mod-desktop and with modduox so far. Thanks.

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I will work on this on a future date. Building the UI took way more time than it should have today, thanks to my own ineptitude.


Hi, i’m very interested of testing this but i have no idea how i can install this on my mod dwarf ? Could someone help me ?

High njsiva,
I did a try after install in a Mod-Dwarf.
Unfortunately…“Error adding effect” when I drag it on a pedalboard.

Thank you so much for trying @zwabo . That is unfortunate that you see an error. Any clues from the developer console when you try to add? I do not own a dwarf, so I am going to compile for it to see if there are any compile time clues.
Additionally, I will post the single pair version that only uses HMI to set the LED, but not the request_change library to set the button state. My best guess is that is where the failure is. If you are able to test that, I will just make that a five-pair solution.

Many thanks again!

This plugin remembers me the Gossiper Plugin and Tetr4 Switch plugins that I created.

Related to gossiper, I used the widget popup for showing the pedal new state. And related to Tetr4 Switch, I use a “patch” idea that enable changing multiple CV states depending “on plugin patch state”. This gif maybe make the plugin concept more clear:

I will put the source code here, maybe it could be useful for your project, @njsiva


I will take a look. Many thanks @SrMouraSilva - perhaps you have eliminated the need for my plugin altogether.

@zwabo - many thanks again. In the meantime, would you please be able to test this on a dwarf? If this works (the missing feature between this and the previous one is that this doesn’t attempt to toggle the second button automatically, just sets the LED), then I will make this into a five-pair solution. Much appreciate the time and effort.

I think I may have fixed this issue, too. Would you please consider downloading again and giving this one more shot? It looks like the DuoX host was more forgiving of my coding error than the Dwarf. Thank you for your patience and time.

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@Remy_D - my apologies for not responding sooner. Have you compiled a plugin using the mod-plugin-builder utility before? That is one way of doing it. If not, once this is tested, I can appeal for this to make it to the beta plugin store.

I don’t know how to do it on a Mac M1 but i will find how to do that.

First of all I had to remove the .in extension from the file to successfully install.

Then same error… the Two-button is visible in the Plugins Bar but same message when I drag it on the pedalboard.

Ah, now I understand - you will have to build this plugin through mod-plugin-builder builder that creates the manifest.ttl from the file. I will find the thread that provides those instructions and reply soon. My apologies for assuming you were compiling and installing.

Or, on second thoughts, I will compile for the moddwarf and the duox and upload the compiled versions to GitHub later today. Thanks.


Ok. Sorry…

Hi, just to let you know I have no issues with your plugin on my Dwarf. Thanks a lot for you effort!

@zwabo: I faced the same problem you described, but I found out that I was building the code without specify the “moddwarf” platform option, so I was creating incompatible binaries.

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Love it! Thanks so much. Would you still please grab the latest source code? I removed a part of the code that was causing a compile time warning, and I didn’t need that code. I also got rid of some logging that may cause performance issues. If you grabbed the code after I commited those changes some 14 hours ago, this should be good.

I will still create compiled versions.
@falkTX - how do I appeal to have it added to the beta store? Much appreciated.

typically you would just ping me, but a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes right now, best to ping me again about it in 2 weeks.


@njsiva, I have built the latest version (commmit 313035b878ea802519efd514d4566e4a08bd33bf) and successfully installed and used iton my dwarf. I can successfully load it in a pedalboard and assign toggles to both HMI buttons and MIDI CC, and it is working as expected.

Great job.


I tried to build it but without success… could you share the .lv2 folder ?