there is a bug in the online tool where some sessions are never closed.
I restarted the service that handles this now, so it should work again momentarily.
Thanks a lot for fast reply. Sandbox is working!
In the meantime I also tried the USB live image. It is excellent! Works perfectly and I am now able to checkout plugins even before my dwarf arrives!
Thanks for your work, on sandbox AND usb image.
@falkTX is there any chance that you can look into the failed iso build and fix it ? An almost up to date version of the iso would be great to play around until my dwarf arrives.
I really tried to understand all that build process but to start from scratch this is to time consuming for me, even with a really good IT knowledge. (I,m just no dev )
thanks in advance
Is this function down permanently or does it just need a nudge?
I wanted to check on the sequencer/drum machine plugin stuff
It still works, but the link on the first post was an outdated one.
We should now use
Do note this is the same shared instance for everybody. Also it resets every 24h
doesn’t work on my phone, tablet, nor laptop…