I haven’t found a plug-in to do panning effectively. I tried the rKR panner, which is in beta, but this plug just outputs noise - totally broken and should be removed from beta.
The other option I’ve seen is the Auto Panner:
But this uses Hz, not BPM, so I can’t get it to sync, and sometimes with extremely panned material, it doesn’t seem to work. Possibly if the width is set to 80%, not only does it only pan things less wide, but I think it ignores material that is already panned outside that 80%. Just a hunch, but it’s unpredictable for me.
Other than setting up a complex tempo synced LFO to modulate pan, what options are there?
yeah, I used that filter, and there are no good panners out yet I guess.
Well not with the feature I want, which is BPM sync.
Ping pong does a fade thing, which isn’t the same as panning. Auto Panner I’ve used, but no BPM sync, and unpredictable results, which I may just have to live with, as it’s closest. The others are not really panners.
In terms of CV, instead of using an actual LFO, I usually set up a midi sequencer which can output CV, and then slew rate limiter, which modulates the pan of some other plug-in, like a mixer. I sync to midi, or use a button to ‘reset’ the sequencer manually, and set the BPM manually.
regarding the ping-pong pan, I’m using it in a couple different ways, and I haven’t thought about it before, but you’re totally right, it’s clear it’s doing a fade thing on each channel. I guess my question is how would an actual pan sound any different? I guess if you’re sending a mono signal into it it would be different, but with an already stereo (or dual-mono) signal, wouldn’t it sound identical to a true pan? I’m curious about this as I’m wondering if I’d get better results (on my mono signal particularly) from a different panning method…
Unfortunately there isn’t a great panning plug-in available. Seems like a simple plug-in the Mod team should include, as a basic option for everyone’s tool kit.
The Mod-mixer pans.
Litterally just put your sound source in, and set an LFO to Pan, attenuate to your liking?
In terms of BPM sync - you would have to explain what you mean. I haven’t had much experience trying to clock LFO to the internal clock or following midi clock. But it seems reasonable to try that approach.