100€ to spend in plugins

Hi all!

I got a DuoX recently and I’m now looking at the commercial plugins like I was in a candy store :lollipop::candy::chocolate_bar:.

I thought it would be nice to have some input from experienced users so the question is:

What plugins would you get for your rig with a 100€ budget?

I’m a guitar player but it would also be great to see what other musicians consider essential for their sound and also might help others in my situation.

I guess I’ll start? Ahem… I’m a guitar player with influences like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, The Black Keys…

I am a bit lost but my semi blind guess would be:

Gaffa Delay 14.90€
RMpro 29.90€
Marsh 1960 12.90€
GxBoobtube 10.90€
AidaX DSP (not sure which one!) 29.90€

Any comments or suggestions are very welcome.

hey @techno!

yep, gaffa and RMPro are on many of my boards. ShiroVerb II is pretty great, if you’re into that sort of thing!

one thing (probably not an issue with a DuoX, but still): you might want to mock up some likely pedalboards with trial versions of the plugins first, just to make sure you’re brain isn’t way out in left-field with respect to CPU load of the chains you’re planning to run. :person_shrugging:


Thanks for the advice man!

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Hi @Techno,
I’m not a big delay user but on your list, I would go for the Gaffa Delay. It definitely has a warm character you won’t find in the alternative delay plugins.

In order to build your base tone, you should try some of the latest overdrive pedals : the Overjay, The Rude and the Plexi Breed sound good without much in the effect chain. Try them with a cab sim. The GxTiltTone plugin can add more control to the character (Eq and drive) depending on the guitar you use. You might find you don’t even need a fancy amp sim that could eat a lot of CPU.

I don’t know if you plan to use a looper but the Looperlative LP3 Basic is worth a try.

Don’t forget to try the free plugins. You may be surprised and find some that best suit your needs. For instance, my favorite amp sim is the Onyx, which is the most CPU-friendly and very versatile.

By the way, I’m a big Radiohead fan too. :wink:


All this is super useful. Thank you so much!

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the Gaffa and the Shiroverb are among my most-used pedals. Definitely agreed on thinking about CPU usage and what type of pedalboards you’re going to be creating… I think RMPro is fantastic, but I never use it because it’s pretty resource-intensive, and I’m more inclined to use tools in my DAW than running anything I’m working on there back through my Dwarf for RMPro. Maybe if I can get the desktop MOD app working I’d use it more.


Hi, I m trying to buy from the plugin store but I m redirect to “coming soon” page after check out link, anyone experiencing the same, or anyone able to proceed the checkout ?
I have no answer from Mod admin in 2 days … thanks

Thanks! Gaffa and Shiroverb seem to be a must. @deniz I hope it gets fixed soon!

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So you are facing the same problem ? (Coming soon redirect)

I haven’t tried that yet. Still trying to figure out what I want :candy::lollipop:.

I have read about similar problems in the forum in other posts tho. Maybe try a different browser? Don’t quote me on this but I think Safari was a problem in some cases?

I have the same problem and I didn’t receive any answer from MOD

@falkTX @gianfranco are you aware that some people have problems with paying for plugins?

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I am looking into it. We made no changes to the shop in the last weeks, so it is kinds of strange the behaviour people are having.

I’m guessing you are on macOS using Safari? I believe there is an issue with this browser.

Try using Chrome/ium or Firefox.

I’m seeing the issue with Firefox on Linux.

ok! then there is definitely something wrong :crying_cat_face:

It should be fixed now.

Can you guys confirm?

I can confirm that I am taken to the normal checkout page where I can enter payment information. Thanks!
(Firefox on Linux)

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I’m glad the thread helped helped someone else!