Zip tie plugin (cable organisation)

It would be ace if there was some kind of cable organisation option to run cables together and neaten up the board.


Great suggestion :slight_smile:
In the meantime I came across this Board which used [TinyGain] as a way to “anchor” cables PH BassFX7 230625 - MOD Audio ( and I guess nothing stops us from routing several cables through one.


Hmm, sounds like a nice quality of life idea.
Probably it is not even hard to develop, as such plugin basically does nothing, just meets my lv2 development skills, lol. No promises, but I’ll try to do such wonderfully useless but useful plugin.

Only issue here is that there should be a plugin version for each amount of ports, as it it is something that cannot be set dynamically.


Yeah its a pretty ridiculous thing but I do genuinely think it’d be pretty handy for complex boards. Even if there was just a 2 and a 4 cable pass through option.

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