WiFi Dongles tested as working

Oh how I wish I could list some, but this is instead a request …

Has anyone got a WiFi USB Dongle to work on a Dwarf with v1.13.latest (the one that the release notes says comes with some WiFi drivers) without having to resort to building or installing drivers?
If so, can you share details of the device please?

All the searching I’ve done comes up with is reports of failure or limited success achieved by cross-compiling drivers (shudder!)

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I am using an Edimax dongle I own since years (back when RaspberryPis didn’t have Wifi). My Inbox research tells me its probably a EDIMAX EW-7811UN.
Worked out of the box without compiling or building anything.


Oh, and its OS version (I somehow can’t edit my post, probably because I’m too new):

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Thanks for the contribution! I bumped up your trust level and you should be able to edit posts now.


For those looking for a working USB WIFI dongle, this is a cheap one, using RTL8192EU is working straight into my MOD DWARF.


On the other side of the coin, I have a question.

My use case would be connecting a tablet or PC to the MOD via WiFi for pedalboard editing while I’m live or in the rehearsing room, which has no Wi-Fi.

I guess I need a small, portable WiFi router or something to make it work.

Does anybody have a suggestion for this?

Won’t your smartphone be enough to accomplish this task?

I haven’t tried that yet, because I only got wifi a couple of days ago thanks to @Zavorra 's post, but I guess you can hotspot your phone data connection and connect to that network both your tablet and mod device, without buying other stuffs.

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Just use your tablet or PC as an access point

I am using a convertible PC which has no hotspot capabilities that I know of.

I don’t own a tablet. I only use a Linux PC and I’m not really able to turn it into an access point.

Besides, having a self-sufficient pedalboard with my MOD, the midi foot controller and the midi router all connected and set up would mean that I could use any wi-fi enabled device I come across where I’m playing or rehearsing by just connecting to the pedalboard network.

You should search about turning your Linux laptop into an access point.

Maybe this will help:

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Or use your smartphone as access point a d connect both the mod unit and the convertible to it

Btw which convertible PC are you using? I tried both Lenovo and dell and all of them worked as an access point

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In theory it should be possible to turn the MOD Dwarf device* into a WIFI access point. It should just be a simple config change.

  • Not an MOD Dwarf owner yet, but intend to be… but have a lot of Linux experience. I’ll download the OS and run it up on a Raspberry Pi and test,

It’s all flooding back to me now. I’ve just checked this on my Raspberry PI, and if you can access it using SSH, there is a command called “patchbox”. In there you can change the WiFi adapter to be access point or client.

Patchbox can work as a CLI or TUI program - so you can write a script turning the different modes on or off.

Now, as I said, I don’t have access to a MOD Dwarf yet, so this is all theory now - but I imagine:

  • you can write a script to turn the wifi device into a AP
  • you can write another to to turn it back into client mode
  • some how you could find a way to trigger those scripts to run as the result of a button press
  • or even as a plugin??

As soon as I get hands on a dwarf (so to speak) I’ll check. (looking for a second hand one atm) Otherwise does this make sense? hope it helps.

AFAIK patchbox is not something you can find on every Linux distribution. It is a specific, audio-oriented distribution ofor the raspberry.

In any case, such script would rely on an utility called hostapd, which is the “access point daemon” on Linux, which, again, is currently not available on the mod units (as of now)

So, even if feasible, turn your mod in an access point is far from trivial

Far easier to turn your Linux PC or buy a cheap portable router

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Yes, I am aware of hostapd. My impression is that MOD OS is based on debian, is this true? It claims to be open source, then it should be a simple matter of installing hostapd or compiling it for the platform?

Is there a git repo that I can examine?

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look in this forum, search sometihng like “mod reboot phase 2”. AFAIK is not a common distro, I think it is more similar to yocto or other embedded stuff

It would still not solve my issue completely.

I’d prever to have a self-sufficient floor setup that once turned on is basically functional with little or no interaction. Using a PC or tablet as an access point means that I have to fiddle about with the mod configuration whenever I want to switch from one control device to the other.