What do you use?

I’m intrigued by who uses what and so …

  • Duo
  • Duo X
  • Dwarf
  • MOD Desktop Application
  • Other MOD based system

0 voters

Sam x


What is an “Other MOD based system”, can you give examples?

I own a Duo but I never use it as the DuoX and Dwarf are much more capable (maybe I’m just a completionist :#)


I’m guessing running MOD stuff on a Pi?


Yeah I guess? I was using the barebones stack + GitHub - moddevices/mod-panel: Simple Control Panel to Start MOD UI and SDK Services in the past for testing, but I wouldn’t really call that “use”.


Yes. My first entry into the MOD ecosystem was with a Pi4+HiFiBerry.
I’m starting to have a play on a Pi5 … without success so far, but the Pi5 power draws me!

Sam x


I voted based on ownership, (Duo, Dwarf) but I’m only using the MOD App currently.

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@dreamer the MOD OSS system can run on a Raspberry Pi + Audio Card, the examples I know of are

I played with a self build based on a Raspberry Pi 4 for a time before I bought my Dwarf.

Sam x

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I voted for Dwarf and MOD App on Linux.
Before them, I have a month’s experience with mod-live-USB.
Currently, I use Dwarf mainly.
If MOD App will be integrated into PipeWire, I would use MOD App.

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I have two Dwarfs but only one vote… :sweat_smile:


Voted Dwarf an desktop op but the desktop app id more “spielerei” than anything else at the moment.

Could dream of running the whole MOD thin on other hardware too someday because I still think this is the coolest stuff but I lack the tech/tinkering genes (damn you graphical skills, why are you so useless :))


An interesting “what do you use” could be which plugins we use

  • im loving the big bollie delay so to all its cool filtering options - it’s on all my boards.
  • the silo reverbs would be a 2nd: so many cool sounds in that collection of reverbs