V1.4.0 Pre-Release Testing


Ok new versions installed.

Still cannot see any control chain devices.

Connecting via the due programming port /dev/arduino exists.

Still don’t see any cc_hardware_added or cc_actuator_added messages:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root           7 Jan  1 00:03 arduino -> ttyACM0

[root@modduo ~]# systemctl stop mod-ui
[root@modduo ~]# mod-ui.run
Using HMI => True
jack client activated
Control Chain initialized
ERROR: Controller out of memory when sending initial state (stopped at 48)
NOTICE: Now scanning plugin 'http://moddevices.com/plugins/mod-devel/Gain2x2'...
NOTICE: Finished scanning 'http://moddevices.com/plugins/mod-devel/Gain2x2'

@Codeman @AndyCap please try to turn on the mod with the Arduino already connected. Alternatively, try to restart the mod-ui and/or controlchaind services.

Yeah, already tried that.

I also connected the arduino up to a serial monitor and reset it a few times, I see nothing on the serial connection, I guess this is how it is communicating?

I have a logic analyser here, are there some pins I could probe to at least see if the CC stuff on the arduino is working?

Yes, you should be able to see data on pins 0 and 1, RX, TX.

Ok, I will have a check in the morning…

Latest build for group-1/testers is now RC1, which does not use the usb for arduinos anymore, everything works via control chain (ethernet) port.
We dispatched the footswitches and arduino shields this past thursday (6th April), so the software needs to be ready to those that receive it.

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