Hi everyone,
I am trying to get started with developing an lv2 plugin. The plugin is going to be a midi looper, but at the moment I am kind of stuck at getting the basics to work.
There will be some toggles and momentaries that control the plugin state, that is why I thought it is good to use the patch vocabulary for this.
I get some errors from lv2lint:
[FAIL] Plugin State
state:interface not returned by 'extension_data'
seeAlso: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state#interface>
[FAIL] Plugin Patch
no patch:Message support on any output
seeAlso: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/patch#Message>
In Ardour I can get the toggle button to notify me, however jalv and carla do not give me this pleasure.
My code so far: GitHub - Momomentum/midilooper: An LV2 midi looper
Patch_set is based on: GitHub - x42/property_example.lv2: LV2 Property/Parameter Example Plugin
Can anyone guide me in the right direction?