Upload folders

can I upload folders in the file manager? I have to upload all files seperately and have to create a folder in the file manager.

If you are handy with bash and ssh you can copy everything directly to your Dwarf.
Otherwise you can at least select multiple files after pressing the “Upload” button in the FileManager and they will all be uploaded at once.

yes, but not organised in folders

Yea, but to be honest, the “Create directory” button works quite fast… :sweat_smile:
How many folders do you want to upload at once?

For every model for aida I have several files that are organized in folders, but I can not upload these folders. So I have to create a new folder in the dwarf an upload the files there. It is ok, but uploading complete folders is more comfortable.

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Yes, you are right. If you have multiple subfolders it can become tedious…
There is of course the possibility to use the bash, which could do exactly what you want, but has the potential to mess things up if you are not familiar with it.

My advice is to stick to the FileHandler for now.

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