I think this belongs here.
Any suggestion for improvement, or extending this thread to more examples of the Edge’s sound ?
I think this belongs here.
Any suggestion for improvement, or extending this thread to more examples of the Edge’s sound ?
We’ll be posting more The Edge inspired boards in June.
In the mean times, would be great to know how you guys liked this one.
It will be uploaded on the pedalboard feed this week
Please, create a sort of “certified pedalboard channel” for renditions of mamous artists’ tones!!
Can’t wait to test it !
I’m confused, did you post it in the pedalboard section and I could not find it, or are you still working on it before sharing (if ever) ?
It is not mine. The video was posted on the Facebook group and I found it cool and added it here since it fits the Tone Challenge forum section pretty well I think.
I’ve just created a topic for the new vide. Radiohead stuff
Let us know what you guys think.
Have you tried where the streets have no name? Would love that pedalboard
We need more example pedalboards! A whole “certified channel” separate from the “user contributed” channel of downloadable pedalboard.