Translate value to musical tempo error

Labelling of Dotted 8th and triplets should be swapped around.

Example, at 120bpm, dotted 8th should be at 375ms and triplet at 206ms. Whereas when you choose 1/8T you will get 375ms, 1/8. will translate to 206ms.

I’m using Dwarf, at v1.11.1.2644


Thanks for reporting. We will take a look to confirm if that is indeed wrong.

@JamKid so we managed to confirm the bug.
Although your calculations are also not correct.
Right now, at 120bpm, you get the following:
dotted 8th = 166.67
8th = 250
8th triplet = 375

But it should be:
dotted 8th = 375
8th = 250
8th triplet = 166.67

We will try to fix it asap. Thanks once again


Seems like the labelling hasn’t been fixed yet?

Correct. We are looking into quite a few tempo-related things for v1.14 release, so will give this part some attention too.

The v1.13 is under final testing phase, to be out as stable release quite soon. Development for v1.14 already started, so a proper fix won’t take much longer now


Hi, I notice that When You save a value this affects to all the snapshots of the pedalboard, Would It be possible to save a diferent value in each snapshot?
I’m using dwarf OS Version:

Not sure if this would work, but have you experimented to change the value and then save a different snapshot? So create a new snapshot with the updated value instead of coming back to one that you created before having any update on the tempo value.
I must say that I didn’t try it myself.

thanks Joao I’ve checked it but seems it’s not possible, You can save a rate Hz’s value in each snapshot but You can not do it with time divisions (Translate value to musical tempo option), so when you change the global BPM, the rate HZ’s value change to the last time division saved, I understand that this would has to work as the same way as time division of Bollei delay, with Which You can save a diferent time division in each snapshot and You can use tap tempo (global BPM) and that not change the division
It happens the same with AMS LFO2 frequency

So do you mean that what you want to do is possible with the Bollie Delay, but not with other delays?

No I mean that it’s not possible to do with modulation pedals for example TAP tremolo / CR-1 CHORUS / LARYNX VIBE or many others also AMS LFO all of them have the option to traslate value to musical tempo and assign a time division but You can not save a different one for each snapshot, as You can do it with bollie delay

Now I test it myself and indeed the value of the master tempo is not saved together with the snapshots, although you can for example assign a knob to control it.
@falkTX is there a technical reason for this limitation?

Many thanks Joao for test it, yes I know that I can control/assign to knob, but for me it would be much more useful to save different value in each snapshot, cause I use several effects with this option in a pedalboard

I would appreciate it if this is something you can fix in a future update.

i agree that master tempo should be able to be saved with a snapshot.

however, i was thinking that we should be able to make a workaround by controlling global BPM with a named CV plugin output, and then have those CV values saved for each snapshot. unfortunately, even though CV control is available for BPM it doesn’t seem to work.

see this example pedalboard i made for testing… the “control to CV” output (named “tempo control”) is assigned to both the Gain plugin and the device BPM. moving the “control to CV” knob does move the Gain plugin knob, but not the device BPM.

i’ll report this as a bug, if someone else can confirm my observations. or maybe someone can point out some dumb thing i’ve done! :wink:

the test pedalboard:
BPM control test

later edit: oops!! right… when assigned to some controller (other than a device knob), the BPM setting is expecting to read tap tempo, not a continuous value, right? :stuck_out_tongue: …hmmm… back to the drawing board!

later-later edit: i though perhaps a CV pulse or square wave from the “CV Clock” plugin (or even just turning “control to CV” on-off-on-off) would be read as tap tempo by the BPM setting, so i tried all those things - no joy. :frowning:

so now i officially don’t understand how (internal) CV can possibly control the BPM setting. can someone, like perhaps @falkTX, explain it?

I think this is just a forgotten case, where there is no implementation for it.
The tempo mapping is a special MOD-specific thing on top of LV2, needs to be handled everytime something related to tempo changes. I guess no one notice the snapshots until now.

I dont think the BPM is supposed to be mappable to CV, that option being visible is the bug.
Actually having that working is the missing feature.