Tone King - Crunch

Modelled from VST Plugin. Same input and target files, just run at each different model levels from Lightest to Heavy.

Heavy: Tone King_LSTM-20.json (81.2 KB)

Standard: Tone King_LSTM-16.json (53.6 KB)

Light: Tone King_LSTM-12.json (31.8 KB)

Lightest: Tone King_LSTM-8.json (15.8 KB)

Keen to see differences in Model levels.


Cool @solaris76!
I checked them and they are fine. I am honest and I must say that I have no idea hwo an original ToneKing sounds like. But I tried your files in combination with some distortion plugins and they sound very good in my ears. Many thanks for sharing!

Well… after using it for a while I really love it. I think I will take it in some of my pedalboards.

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Honestly? my ear hears little difference, which means light will be a-ok for me!

Thanks for the model!

I be checked them on duoX and sounds really good. Thanks!

Thanks for the model! I really like the crunch tone!
Made a Led-Zeppelin pedalboard with it, unfortunately I forgot to fill in the description:

Played with buffer size 256, LSTM-12-model. Guitar is a China-Les Paul with P90s