TinyGain Stereo - MOD Devices

Robin Gareus

Tiny amplifier with output meter, stereo version. A gain-stage with the range of +/-20dB and additional mute-control. The gain control is low-pass filtered at 20Hz to prevent zipper noise. The level display shows digital-peak (dBFS) of the output signal (rise-time: immediate, falloff: 15dB/sec).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/plugins/aHR0cDovL2dhcmV1cy5vcmcvb3NzL2x2Mi90aW55Z2FpbiNzdGVyZW8=
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Hello @x42.

I´m using the digital-peak display of the TinyGain to help me handling the signal level along my pedalboards effects chain.
Is it possible to have the peak to hold for a few seconds and then fall off?
This would help a lot.
Ideally a new gain plugin with a in/out level meter display like something like the image bellow would be a great addition to the MOD.

BTW the TinyGain is really nice. :wink:

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