I would have paid double the €150 for nothing in return. I would probably pay double retail right now for a backup. This is an amazing pedal, made by a small, dedicated team, who fell victim to extraordinary circumstances.
Its usefulness cannot be overstated. Nothing on the market even comes close to the subscription-free, anti-corporate, essentially open source ethos this pedal exudes. And it actually WORKS BETTER and more reliably than “competitive” offerings, of which there are ZERO, unless you do not understand how features work!
As somebody who has delighted in the stories of struggles and triumphs by small-scale devs and hardware mfgs over the years, the thought of backers standing on principle, instead of buying €150 worth of amazing plugins (those reverbs are seriously great!) to help the Modfather out really baffles me.
But ultimately, in every way, it would be those backers’ profound loss.
I quickly paid the 150 € to get the device once I realized that many others were hesitant, meaning that in turn I could wait a long time before the company was again in a financial position to send the units out for free, and I definitely don’t regret it. I fully believe that this was just bad luck. They probably had tight margins for error, took the risk and thought they would make it work. And they very likely would have pulled it off just fine, if COVID hadn’t thrown a sledgehammer at their legs. Rather, I’m amazed at the dedication, buying back all the assets after insolvency and getting it running again.
I received my device and have nothing to complain about. Yes, I’m a noob who hasn’t much experience to compare it to, but it feels very sturdy and usability and performance are very good. I had quite some fun experimenting around with various pedalboards, something I never could have afforded or done so easily with physical effect devices. There are some minor improvements left to be made in the user interface, and I could probably do them myself right now if I took the time, since the software is open source – something that was a major attractor for me in the first place. I just believe it’s the more sustainable model. My interest and love for this ecosystem is another reason why I really wish they will succeed.
I haven’t used my voucher yet because I play bass, and there aren’t many bass focused pedals out yet, and I make do with the free pedals just fine. Again, I’m not sad about this, I think the money is well spent. Things I tried that don’t work include recognizing the pitch from the note being played, to trigger a synth or something. But that’s most likely a technical limitation because I’m playing bass, and the low frequencies have such a long period that the system has too little of the waveform to confidently infer the correct pitch. Look it up, it’s math xD Also, I might just have the gain turned up too high on my amp, but there’s a slight noise in the output of the mod dwarf. It is very noticeable when leaving ground connected, but as they explained elsewhere, to ship it like that is a legal requirement, even if it impacts the performance of the product. I say even taped up it is there, but I think I’m very nitpicky and also I don’t think I have ever seen a comparable digital system with less noise, in that price range or below.
That’s my experience so far. I guess, thanks for coming to my TED talk xD
I paid for the voucher because…why not? I was going to spend the money in the algorithm store anyway. The device itself is absolutely top notch quality. The device shipped quickly and we well packaged. I couldn’t be happier. The models and algorithms in the store are incredibly varied and high quality. I have no regrets of any kind.
Should probably add that even though I own an HX Stomp, Fractal FM3 and now Quad Cortex (after having been a Kemper user for years), the Dwarf is the most convenient and the form factor along with the carry case is just brilliant for grab-and-go. And no wall wart, unlike the Stomp and QC.
Another user talked about noise; the only experience I had with noise was on a stage where the lights were wired into the same power outlet for the stage strips. It turned out after a soundcheck full of trouble shooting that it was actually the amp and not the Dwarf that was affected.
I’ve been a MOD backer since the early days of Mod. I’ve got a Duo and a Dwarf, which I had to wait for for a long time and for which I also bought the 150€ of vouchers.
Although I completely understand the frustration of many users who don’t want to shed any more money, I have to say that it is absolutely worth it, especially since the introduction of AIDA-X. I bought all the AIDA-X plugins except the Rude (which I will buy soon) and they are killer. One of my boards actually uses a mix of all three amps, playing on the stereo imaging of each to add texture. I’m totally addicted to this sound (I also use the Centaur clone). Which other platform allow you to do this at this price ?
It’s not at all like you are paying 150€ for nothing. You definitely get added value out of it. Plus it keeps the company afloat.
Actually @gianfranco: have you thought about a subscription system to help Mod Audio ? I am a supporter of the Ardour project for which I pay a small amount each month. I understand it’s not the cup of tea of some of the MOD users, maybe more used to the “buy once, use as long as the hardware is working” model, but I also appreciate the constant work you are putting in improving the software (not just for the Mod hardware owners, as shown by the recent release of the Mod Desktop App) and that costs money.
I was one of the first to buy a Founder Edition of the Dwarf with the voucher option.
The vouchers are now completely spent on really great plugins.
I love playing around with the possibilities the ecosystem offers me and would love to have much more time to explore the depths of the system.
I hope that the system will be further developed and the user interface will be optimized even more and offer an intuitive way to design boards on the computer.
Currently the Dwarf is the only effect device I use. The other floor pedals are on the shelf and will probably have to move out soon.
I am really glad that there are so many happy Dwarf owners out there.
I do hope that all the unhappy crowd funding participants will still find some positive end for themselves or at least make peace with their situation.
Here’s to a great future with all the upcoming goodies that the MOD team is working on! Thanks for all the hard work even in uncertain times!
Not a lot more to add, other than to congratulate the Mod team which has IMO found a pretty good resolution to a very complicated situation!
Crowdfunding is always risky, and indeed in this case the extra investement, while painful for some, has the effect of strengthening the Mod ecosystem, so it is actually helping making your Mod device more valuable, not less.
I am a backer of the Kickstarter and decided to be a “tier 3” as I had no immediate need of the device. Honestly speaking I also wanted to see more activity in the community and see some devices out working and getting real life experience.
When the difficult situation hit and I got the option to buy the 150€ voucher, I was at first disappointed, pissed off and doubtful of the progress of the venture, but not about my investment as such (that is what you do when you invest, you bet that it will work but it may not, your risk) but rather about the management of the venture and the community. But I decided that I would invest the 150€ voucher to get my device, because I still believed that the idea I invested initially was great, awesome, and there was a chance of success.
Now coming to the outcome of that decision. I got my device as expected and I have already spent 100€ of my voucher of great plug-ins that I use everyday. But I have to say that the real game-changer in my opinion has been the incorporation of AIDA-X. The modelling and capabilities offered are awesome, and added the other great quality plug-ins, Dwarf is becoming my go-to device for most of my guitar and bass playing, recording, enjoying.
I have to say as well that I was disappointed at the communication and management of the situation. The communications were too positive and misleading, while reality was hitting hard, but the pandemic situation we were all through was hitting hard in many places.
Is it worth the money and investment? YES in my opinion. The capabilities are great (I would love to have more time to keep on experimenting more and more), the quality of the plug-ins is really good, and I would have, most probably, spent some similar amount of money on plug-ins and models. And I will spend the rest of the money as I expect more great contributions to be made available as the community progress.
I have not purchased anything yet with my voucher but expect that I will find pedals I want or need as I explore the library and more pedals are added.
The dwarf has made it possible to have a compact and sophisticated off the grid set-up.
My “Picnic Rig” for playing outdoors on summer evenings is a set-up with a looper, effects for a travel bass, e-piano for small midi controller and a drum sound pedal. This is powered by a 12V/9V/5V TALENT CELL rechargeable battery.
It all fits in a rectangular Martin Guitar bag made for lap steel guitar. By the way, this package also fits nicely in the airplane overhead storage.
Indoors I especially enjoy it with my fretless bass and korg polysix.
I would encourage you to use the voucher option.
When you get it, embrace the short learning curve. I have become spoiled by the immediate availability of pedals to explore and the ease of configuring a particular rig as I need it.
I was on the fence for quite some time. I was silently hoping the situation at MOD Devices would simply improve to the point that I would some day receive my Dwarf in the mail. I finally decided to buy the voucher, but they were sold out quickly, so I just missed that opportunity. I kicked myself for not deciding a tiny bit earlier to pull the trigger.
After a period of regularly checking for a new batch, another opportunity finally arrived. I’m now the happy owner of a Dwarf Founder edition, and it feels good that I ended this period of waiting and getting frustrated in a positive way. The Dwarf is a great device, totally worth spending money on the voucher (the extra plugins even increase it’s utility). I definitely made the right decision!
I am happy with my mod, and although the voucher was not the best solution for me, at least I enjoy the device and some plugin.
Gianfranco very kind in the after-sales and as I said, grateful at least for not losing the initial investment
I’ve been directed here because of an email aimed at people who are sceptical about paying an additional €150 for their Dwarf.
The company know how much I contributed to the campaign back on June 11, 2020.
I don’t want to sound like “that guy” but it also seems very unfair that some people got their founders addition and I didn’t.
I know and accept that contributing to a fundraising campaign isn’t without risk.
I get that circumstances changed - but I am still trying to understand why I have to buy vouchers to get my Dwarf rather than a straight up additional payment of €150.
I don’t want vouchers. I want a Dwarf. Why the extra step?
How do I know that the company won’t again hit problems and then I’ll be left holding €150 of useless vouchers?
If you tell anyone what has happened so far they’ll tell you to just walk away - I know because I have, and they did. That is why I am sceptical.
So, right now, I feel that the contributions I have made are a right-off and I’ll simply have to stick with my Duo (which emits a high pitched monotone in one channel now, and is practically useless).
We have exchanged emails more than once about the availability of the vouchers. Last time there was a problem with your payment method and we offered a direct Paypal payment link, but got no response back.
The voucher is an attempt to compensate the extra financial strain imposed on the backers. If you want to directly purchase your Founders Edition for 150€ and not get the vouchers you are welcome to do so.
If that is a concern you can fully spend the vouchers as soon as you get the unit. There is much more than 150€ worth of plugins being offered and I am sure you can quickly spend it in great options
Hey! I am another happy backer that received his device via the 150 voucher option. Yes, while I was dissapointed that I needed to pay additional funds to get my unit, MOD did a wonderful job of providing additional value for the voucher by providing a substantial credit to the plugin store and I am very happy that I chose this option. This pedal is amazing, and has completely revolutionized my pedalboard by allowing me to run multiple signal paths and I have been able to create new and interesting sounds with it. I strongly urge those who are still waiting for their unit to choose this option and get their hands on their device!!
Hi! I discovered then Mod Devices back in 2018 I think and first bought the Mod Duo. And decided to back the crowdfunding for the Dwarf.
I loved the concept and from the start and upgraded to a used ModDuoX while waiting for the Dwarfs to be ready.
When my MDX got broken, due to my own clumsiness, The unit was shipped for free and delivered back for free. I was amazed by the level of service from such a small company.
There is a lot of pride and heart.
I have never met an environment, from which I have learned so much in such little time. It is something about the complexity and openness of the software which, inspires to constant deeper learning. It is truly been gateway into deepening understanding of CV, Midi, Eurarack Modular, Puredata, Faust, and most importantly Linux and all the important sides of open source programming. But since my programming skills are still on the very beginner level, my help in building an infrastructure which can enable us to still “keep on rockin`in the free world” is limited.
The best I can contribute, at the moment ,is to support financially and morally. Especially in these though times of covid, which has been really difficult for all small independent businesses. And so waiting patiently for the Dwarf was easy. Like supporting any local initiative, that tries to withstand the pressure of big multinationals making everything look, sound a smell the same. Life like nature is sustained by plurality, trust, freedom and love.
And that is the frequency in which my music shall resonate.
However everything comes at a cost, and I can sometimes see how the nearly limitless possibilities becomes an obstacle for “just being creative”. Because my curiosity wants to understand and utilize as much as possible. and this is reflected in many of the posts in the forum. Often because we are so used to quick streamlined solutions be part of the packages we buy.
But I feel these devices and technology challenges you to go beyond the package, and experiment for you self, and to dare to try new solutions.
Although freedom is eternally endless, creativity thrives where obstacles are found.
Ok that rant got a bit out of hand but perhaps you found something that inspires and resonates.
Lot`s of love to the Mod Audio Team (Mod Duo?) for hanging in there!
As a founding member and I was kind enough (foolishly enough) to opt for tier 3, I got burned so my trust in this company is very low. I have found their responses quite rude at times also.
At one stage when I looked at the store it was offline and you weren’t even able to purchase anything. As this pedal relies on online tech/browsers, the chance for this becoming abandonware is high. I want the option to choose if I want to spend extra money on plugins I don’t necessarily need and I want ModDevices to uphold their end of the bargain. They’ve given out pedals for free to YouTubers etc but not given the people who got their device to markets what they paid for.
The MODdwarf came up in discussion in an online forum when there was talk of a new and more expensive studio device doing a crowdfunding thing and a person brought up about what happened to the MODdwarf supporters and his hesitancy to support such things any more. It seems the word has spread. I’d be curious to where they had heard about it. I might actually post and ask. I of course had to put up my hand and say, yep; I was one of them unfortunately.
If I knew this product isn’t going to become abandonware, then I may be swayed but if the company can’t even supply the people that supported them from the start, I’ll remain dubious and I’ll continue to use and create with all the amazing tools I do actually have in the studio. I regularly give shout outs to companies that create amazing gear but yeah, they sent me the gear I paid for. Some even during c0vid. Hell, even make it a 50 euro voucher solution and I’ll probably bite but 150 equates to $250 where I live and I’d rather give that to a company that I can trust.
Thought I’d just throw in my 2 cents for team ethics and see what 2024 brings. I’ve waited this long…
I’m sure the MODfanboys are going to flame this post so I’m off to greener pastures until this company can supply what they promised.
I want to comment on the potential abandonware thing…
software and hardware are very different matters, where hardware is hard to scale up and sometimes simply making more (availablity of components was a serious issue last few years), scaling up software is much easier.
The last time the store was offline was mostly due to legal reasons. MOD Devices owned the assets and IP that run the cloud side of things, and due to insolvency process it could not be legally payed by anyone else. I was already in the middle of creating an alternative store, but stopped as ideas for resurgence of the company as MOD Audio were happening.
In the worst possible case scenario we can mirror the cloud in a static way, something that would still allow to validate paid plugins but cannot allow any new purchases. Or another alternative (depends on the legality of it) we could pay for the cloud expenses out of pocket while we find other jobs to sustain ourselves.
We do not want to come to that if at all possible of course, and are doing our best to make it so.
(in a more personal take… I have been maintaining several open-source projects for many years now, I do hope MOD can make it so that it keeps being our jobs, but if that really cannot happen then it becomes yet another project to maintain. Other members of the team dont like me saying this, as it sounds very grim)
The recent push for the mod-app desktop tool is a way to ensure the longevity of the product, as software scales much better than hardware. Eventually we hope to have the plugin store working there as well, but there are some technical challenges to solve first.