The Dwarf's tuner and Control Chain

Hi, so I’m currently thinking about purchasing the Mod Dwarf, did quite a bit of research so far.
But one thing I’m unsure about is the following: I want to leave the Dwarf in my rack to avoid cables on stage. Ideally I would just have one cable and one pedal (via MIDI or Control Chain) on the stage to control the Dwarf.
But is it possible to show and activate the tuner on an external pedal? Or only on the device itself?
Also, is the official Mod Footswitch, which doesn’t seem to be available anywhere anymore, the only device that uses Control Chain? And would the official Mod Footswitch be able to show the tuner on it’s display?



Hi and welcome,
For now you can’t activate the tuner with a midi message, but you can let it activated since you don’t need the screen or footswitches of the Dwarf.

I suggest to go for a midi controller, there are plenty of choices and it’s more easily configured (you can assign a midi footswitch to multiple messages at once…)

Thank you!
The thing is: I want to read the tuner from an external device. I don’t want to read it from the Dwarf itself. Is that possible with any device?

Nope… Midi isn’t made for this, so I don’t know if any other brand has a custom protocol that include this.
The easy solution would be having a clip-tuner on your instrument

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You could arrange something with the tuner plugin, or some pitch to CV to midi mumbo jumbo

And what about the Mod Footswitch? Let’s say I find one, does it allow this, considering it’s a custom protocol (at least I assume it is).

Nope, it’s like adding footswitches or pots to your mod device, nothing more exotic

Well it can display some information on the screen (like parameter value), but afaik not the tuner info.

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